Apologies for the rather long period of silence.

Thanks for the heads-up, I hadn’t notice the wording or the pricing at Netlify.

I did notice the discussion about EagleFiler and I have been since then looking 
at various ways (including using a RaspberryPi) to setup a local network 
storage at home as I do not own a desktop and have no plans of getting one. 
This might help kill a few birds,
- offload emails to a secure backup at home,
- function as a TimeMachine backup at home,
- media/audio server for the speakers to play music/podcasts.

On 7 Jan 2019, at 3:59, Rick Cogley wrote:

> Hello -
>> email host and simple web host for personal, non-commercial use …
>> static website…
>> price b/w 70-100 USD
> I have been using Webfaction for a long time, but they got bought by GoDaddy, 
> a move which I’m not comfortable with. They have been fine for both email and 
> web/app hosting, for the many years I’ve used them and, they have great 
> support.
> That being said I’m thinking about changing to something else and both Gandi 
> and MediaTemple look good for shared hosting. I use Hugo for many sites, and 
> host many of those on Amazon AWS S3 with Cloudfront. It’s trivial and cheap 
> to host static on S3. Hugo’s own Bep coded an excellent utility that works 
> perfectly in an rsync-like way, to get your static files up to S3. 
> https://github.com/bep/s3deploy
> I’ve recently moved my private email to host on Mailfence which has good PGP 
> support, and so far, they’ve been very clear and straight with what they can 
> and cannot do. The support has been excellent. Their service also includes 
> calendar, contacts and a file store, so that you can move away from something 
> like Gmail. When I researched it, ProtonMail needs a helper app on the 
> desktop, to allow you to use IMAP apparently, and this helper supports only 
> certain mailers. I dropped them from consideration when I heard that, because 
> I was set on using Mailmate and unwilling to spend the time to test.
> A lot of the email services in Europe make the point about their being non-US 
> and therefore less subject to the possibility of invasive monitoring. They 
> all support S/MIME or PGP in their browser apps, which is a nice convenience 
> to be able to encrypt if you’re away from your main mailer. But, to me the 
> main point is not the availability of PGP in their apps but rather their 
> businesses’ locations. I can use PGP in Mailmate and in Canary on iOS, 
> without regard to service.
> I would be wary of Fastmail and linked services, given what’s happening 
> vis-à-vis privacy in Australia.
> Re mailbox size, well, you’re always going to hit a limit and keep having to 
> pay more (after all, private mail providers are businesses which are not 
> benefiting from your attention to their ads), so I would recommend a regiment 
> of offloading your old emails to disk, via something like EagleFiler. Some 
> kind soul even made a bundle in MM for it.
> You don’t mention the time unit for your price range but I can say:
> * Mailfence is ~ USD 3-4 per month
> * Webfaction has been ~ USD 10 per month
> * Static site on A3 is honestly negligible if low traffic and low file volume 
> (but, it ain’t apache so you have to get used to some things)
> Re Netlify, it is indeed slick & tempting, but the free level requires 
> payment for add-ons, such as the one that allows password protection. If you 
> want that sort of thing included by default, it jumps to the "Team Pro" level 
> (smallest level) @ USD 45/mo.
> Just some food for thought.
> --
> Rick Cogley
> M: +81-90-9959-5452

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