As you rightly mention, I would be in complete control. I would have loved this 
option if I had more time on my hands to ensure I could do this well.

Thank you,

On 7 Jan 2019, at 1:16, Randall Gellens wrote:

> On 5 Jan 2019, at 9:57, Bharath M Palavalli wrote:
>> - Due to logistical reasons I cannot self-host a box at home. Also, I would 
>> like to host my email and the static website with two different providers as 
>> a failsafe.
> Another option, with its own advantages and disadvantages, would be to 
> contract for virtual machine / cloud service from a provider with suitable 
> Internet connectivity (which should be almost all of them).  You can have a 
> virtual Linux (or other OS) box on which you run a web server, IMAP server, 
> and SMTP server of your choice, configured however you like.  The advantage 
> is that you would be completely in control, able to operate as you wish.  The 
> disadvantage is that you are completely in control, responsible for 
> configuring the servers.  But most Linux boxes come with or have easy package 
> installers for several popular servers, and recipes for various 
> configurations are widely published.
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