No that I know of. I mean removing attachments in bulk. This would have to be done as a rule of a smart mailbox but I do not see such an action. Admittedly, it is a tad odd request but I guess you must have a good reason for it. May be Benny has some other idea.


On 30 Jan 2019, at 4:30, Jack Stewart wrote:

Thank you Robert.

Do you happen to know if it can do bulk attachment removal, e.g. all of the attachments within a single mailbox with a single command?

I am a very long term POP user toying with the idea of going to Mailmate and am approaching it very cautiously because, for my own purposes, I see more disadvantages than advantages to going from POP to IMAP. I'm trying to justify the move anyway because I see a lot to like about the Mailmate client except that it doesn't handle POP.

Thank you for your help Robert,


On 1/30/19, Robert Brenstein said ……

On 29 Jan 2019, at 17:48, Jack Stewart wrote:

Does Mailmate have the ability to remove received mail attachments?

Right click on the attachment name and you should get a popup, one of the items being remove attachment.


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