On 22 Nov 2018, at 23:51, Jack Stewart wrote:

I have been using email for many, many years but always with the same client app which only handles POP - no IMAP capability. I have about 100,000 emails archived over the years in 6 different POP email accounts and 500 mail boxes, which I want to retain. The accounts can be changed from POP to IMAP.

First off, I assume your email provider supports IMAP, or if not, you plan to start using an email provider that does.

Second, which client have you been using? Many clients have IMAP oddness that means, e.g., uploading your existing mailboxes and messages to IMAP might not work well using that client. Different email clients store email locally in sometimes very different ways, and that, too, can make a difference in how to export your existing email.

    1) What transition problems from POP to IMAP will I encounter?

The biggest issue is the mechanism to move your mailboxes and messages from your local storage to tour IMAP accounts at an email provider. The second biggest issue is if and how attachments and message state (such as if a message has been read, replied to, forwarded, etc.) are maintained.

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