On 26 Feb 2018, at 4:32, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 25 Feb 2018, at 22:18, Topher Buck wrote:

I apologize if I’m being obtuse, but I still don’t think anyone has addressed my essential point:

Fair enough.

“Organize by Thread” does not group all four messages together in the same way that clicking the “Thread” toolbar button does.

So please allow me to restate the question: Is it “correct” (i.e., would you expect or does MailMate’s observed behavior correspond to specifications) that **View > Organize by Thread** does not produce the same result that clicking the **Thread** (a.k.a. the “Find and display messages from the same conversation”) toolbar button does?

Well, “Organize by Thread” only works on the messages in the current mailbox. If there are “missing links”, like sent messages, then it won't show the same thing as the “Thread” button does (which switches to the “All Messages” mailbox). It'll show multiple threads depending on the number of broken links.

I'm not seeing the Thread button switch to the "All Messages" mailbox unless I also have the option key pressed. Actually, it apparently follows the Default Mailbox setting of the search bar.


Maybe that explains it?

If yes, why would users expect different behavior from these two, very similar-sounding actions?

They are, at least, based on the same thing (`Message-ID`/`In-Reply-To` relationships).

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