On 10 Feb 2018, at 20:02, Topher Buck wrote:
| From | To | Subject | Date | Msg ID |
| X | Y | foo bar | 2018-02-06 | 5597 |
| Y | X | Re: foo bar | 2018-02-07 | 6414 |
| X | Y | Re: foo bar | 2018-02-08 | 6137 |
| X | Y | Re: foo bar | 2018-02-09 | 6321 |
I don’t understand why View > “Organize by Thread” does not
group all four messages together in the same way that clicking the
“Thread” toolbar button does. Can anyone explain that behavior? As
you can see, I have included the message IDs here, and I note that
they do not increase monotonically in chronological order (as I would
have predicted). That suggests that message ID could play some role
and that MM assigns message IDs in some fashion that isn’t obvious
to me.
The “Msg ID” is just an internal value which MailMate uses as an
index. Every new message seen by MailMate gets a “Msg ID” in
increasing order starting from 1.
Threading is based on the `Message-ID` header and the `In-Reply-To`.
These are the headers you should be looking for if trying to understand
how MailMate has threaded the emails (and to determine if it's
It also seems like Benny’s statement, “[MailMate uses very strict
threading. It only shows two messages as related if they are
may apply here, though neither my message ID hypothesis nor “very
strict threading” explain the discrepancy in the two options for
viewing message threads.
If it's not a bug then “strict threading” should be the explanation.
On a related note, I would like to register another vote in favor of
Scott’s [Feature request - highlighting related messages in a
Your vote is noted :)
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