On 13 Sep 2017, at 15:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

>> On 8 Sep 2017, at 12:37, Robert M. Münch wrote:
>> Ok, the problem is, that MM doesn't remember the "last used view" between 
>> sessions, for this particular sort ordering.
> You mean if you have a sorting order based on date and the unread state then 
> it's not the same after relaunching

Yes, if I'm sorting by "date received" and then by "unread" which gives me all 
unread message on top with newest as first.

>> So, every time MM starts, the sort order is reset.
>> Any chance to change/fix this?
> I'm afraid this falls under the category of not being fixed before I 
> completely rewrite how mailbox state is saved. It's simply not worth the time 
> to try and fix bugs in the current system. All I can say is that I'm getting 
> closer to this (still embarrassing) item on my todo.

Well, if it's such a fundamental change I can understand. If not, well... :-)

Viele Grüsse.


Robert M. Münch, CEO
M: +41 79 65 11 49 6

Saphirion AG
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