On 6 Sep 2017, at 10:14, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, I have some smart boxes, which I sort in a way that I have all unread messages on the top and those are sorted by "date received". So far so good.

The problem is, whenever I click on such a mailbox MM selects not the top message but the bottom one. Which means I have to scroll-up to see the relevant messages.

What can I do, so MM always selects the top-message?

If a message is selected then it's because a message was selected the last time you were in this mailbox and MailMate always tries to reselect the most recently selected message in a mailbox. If you deselect all messages (holding down ⌘) before leaving the mailbox then you should see different behavior (I think).

This is a bit of a special case. I guess you would want a different strategy for this mailbox like not remembering a selected message or, alternatively, always selecting the top-most message...

Do I understand correctly?

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