On 28 Dec 2016, at 1:43, Dave C wrote:

New user here…


I’ve got the hang of smart folders and the ones I’ve created now contain messages from mail lists (I’m subscribed to several).

My goal is to have an Inbox that has none of these mail list messages and only contains the remainder of the day’s mail, mostly personal mail and junk.

I understand that the purpose of smart folders is to mirror messages to those folders without actually moving them. How can I achieve my goal of having the Inbox (or maybe another smart folder named “MyInbox”?) not contain the messages that are visible in the smart folders?

Any suggestions?

Well, INBOX is not a smart folder, so I'm not sure you can do what you're asking here without actually moving some messages somewhere; if a message is in INBOX, it's going to show in INBOX, regardless of whether it's also showing in some other smart mailbox. Perhaps someone smarter than I will correct me, but I think you'll have to move messages out of the INBOX in order to achieve what you're asking for here.

If you want to go the "MyInbox" route, you can create a smart mailbox that includes messages from any specific mailbox (like INBOX) but excludes mailing list messages.

Personally, I think it's easier and more logical to move messages to context-specific mailboxes, and then have a smart mailbox that shows me unread messages in those other mailboxes; but then I've been doing that since LONG before "smart mailboxes" were a thing, and old habits die hard...

BTW, I don't know about other mail hosts, but Dreamhost requires me to trim messages out of my INBOX "for performance reasons"; if that's really a thing, you may want to consider moving messages away from the INBOX anyway.
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