On 28 Dec 2016, at 10:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
Benny, I attach the three files you requested. The personal account is the ivdcs.co.uk one (my domain) and the Club one is the amfiukmembers.co.uk one. I ‘Imported’ the ivdcs one. presumably it found my Mail.app settings. There will also have been Eudora settings (historic, but I only moved off 10.6.8 recently) and Postbox ones (recently evaluated). The ‘AnfiUK’ settings were set up manually. We recently moved servers and the IMAP settings changed, so I did it from the new docs. I’ll probably have a lot more questions while I get used to MailMate. Still not sure about it. Happy New Year! David |
{ identities = ( { emailAddresses = "ivdhosting.co.uk"; name = "David Ledger"; serverURL = "imap://ivdhosting.co...@imap.hosts.co.uk"; }, { emailAddresses = "i...@anfiukmembers.co.uk"; name = "David Ledger"; serverURL = "imap://info%40anfiukmembers.co...@mail.anfiukmembers.co.uk"; }, ); }
{ sources = ( { clientUnsubscribedMailboxNames = ( ); idle_minutes = 12; ignoreServerSubscriptions = :true; junk = "imap://info%40anfiukmembers.co...@mail.anfiukmembers.co.uk/Spam"; name = "AnfiUK"; port = "143"; portSelection = "manual"; requireSSL = :true; serverURL = "imap://info%40anfiukmembers.co...@mail.anfiukmembers.co.uk"; showPrivateNamespace = :false; smtp = "smtp://info%40anfiukmembers.co...@smtp.anfiukmembers.co.uk"; }, { MRUPort = "143"; clientUnsubscribedMailboxNames = ( "Apple Mail To Do" ); hostName = "imap.hosts.co.uk"; idle_minutes = 15; name = "IVDimap"; port = "993"; serverURL = "imap://ivdhosting.co...@imap.hosts.co.uk"; smtp = "smtp://ac24...@mail.authsmtp.com"; }, ); }
{ smtpServers = ( { port = "25"; portSelection = "manual"; requireSSL = :false; serverURL = "smtp://ac24...@mail.authsmtp.com"; }, { port = "465"; portSelection = "manual"; requireSSL = :true; serverURL = "smtp://info%40anfiukmembers.co...@smtp.anfiukmembers.co.uk"; }, ); }
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