On 24 Dec 2016, at 13:32, David Ledger wrote:

First, sorry about the late reply!

As Mail.app is receeding into unusability I am looking for a replacement.

Thanks for considering MailMate.

I have multiple separate email accounts, the main one being my personal account on my own domain, the next is for a Club that I am on the committee of. I installed MailMate with my personal account only. Send and receive worked fine. The product looked promising so I added the Club account. Now I can only send from the Club account. My personal account is set as the ‘Default’, but with either my personal account (globe icon) or my personal account INBOX highlighted any new message get created as From the Club account and sending is done through the Club ISP. If I use ^I and ‘Customise’ to change the From address to a personal one the message is still sent through the Club ISP, which fails as it should.

What am I doing wrong?

Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe the “Email Address(es)” field is incorrect for the second account, but that's just a guess. You can use “Help ▸ Send Feedback” to send me your account settings (privately) and then I'll review them to see if there is anything suspicious:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Sources.plist
        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Submission.plist
        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Identities.plist

You might need, e.g., [this link](http://osxdaily.com/2016/12/12/show-user-library-folder-macos-sierra/) to locate the files (unhide the `~/Library` folder).

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