On 19 May 2015, at 17:53, Barton Lipman wrote:

> For someone who is so particular, why is this one of the testimonials on your 
> website?
>> Produce & Publish server:
>> We justed finished writing our brochure texts through the web and some 
>> seconds later we could hold the print-ready PDF document in our hands  - 
>> very impressing. Just a blink of an eye away and the PDF was ready - this 
>> this the fascination of this publishing solution.
> There's no need to harass people on a public mailing list who subscribe in 
> order to keep up with new ideas for software they like.  If you don't like 
> it, please communicate with the developer off this mailing list or just don't 
> buy the software.

oh my god...are we in the software business or in the kindergarten? 
you guys can't stand critics for paid software? How laughable is this?
Since Mailmate is not open-source and since it is a commercial product (and I 
don't have to care about
the language and about the circumstance of the making of Mailmate) there is a 
right to complain.
Feel free to be offended or take the critics seriously..perhaps someone takes a 
lesson from this thread.


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