On 29 Jan 2015, at 15:54, Paula Coelho wrote:

For the posterity, I've solved it by:

- adding my 2 institutional emails to the field "Email Address(es)" in gmail's IMAP Account - removed the 2 institutional accounts from Source (only taking them offline wasn't enough, MM would still attempt to send via their SMTP).

Yes, taking them offline won't make a difference. What does make a difference is to clear the Email Address(es) field in the accounts for which you don't want to use their SMTP.

The duplication of sent messages is caused by Gmail insisting on making a copy of anything sent via their SMTP in the corresponding IMAP sent messages folder. This is done for efficiency reasons, but it's non-standard behaviour and it can easily confuse the email client (well, confuse the implementer of an *IMAP* email client).

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