For the posterity, I've solved it by:
- adding my 2 institutional emails to the field "Email Address(es)" in
gmail's IMAP Account
- removed the 2 institutional accounts from Source (only taking them
offline wasn't enough, MM would still attempt to send via their SMTP).
On 28 Jan 2015, at 16:55, Paula Coelho wrote:
hi there,
due to space limitations of my institutional email, i forward
everything to a gmail account. i configured my gmail account to send
messages as if it was from my institutional email.
so in MM, a message sent to my work email is received through gmail
IMAP server (that's fine!) but replies through the institutional SMTP
servers. i tried configuring my institution IMAP account with gmail
SMTP info, and then the sent message is duplicated, appearing in both
my university account and gmail 'Sent Messages'.
what is the correct way to configure this? to send a message through
gmail smtp (only) using my institutional email? i was going to fiddle
with the option "Email Address(es)" in IMAP account setting but
decided to ask first, before trying it by chance...
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