Sorry, should have mentioned that in the previous posting.
Build 4551 is what I was running. I've grabbed 4555 this morning, made
a new App-Specific Password, still unable to use iCloud mail.
I've removed the IMAP Source and reimported it a couple of times now.
I've made sure that the IMAP username is just the username and not the
full email address, while still using full email for SMTP.
And while the connection doctor available in Apple Mail leaves a bit to
be desired, it does show, as does the Apple Mail account preferences,
that it is using Apple Token to get connected to iCloud Mail.
If it would help, I'm happy to give you a copy of the connection log
from Apple Mail for my iCloud account.
On 8 Oct 2014, at 2:35, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 8 Oct 2014, at 1:11, Kip DeGraaf wrote:
For what it's worth, I had to go into my Manage Apple ID section to
enable Two-step verification before I could create App-Specific
However, even after enabling that and creating an App-Specific
Password, I still get this in my Activity Viewer:
Make sure you are not affected by a bug in one of the recent test
versions. This bug could roll back your IMAP settings to something
that didn't work in the past (and therefore you changed it). For
iCloud accounts this could be the use of a full email address as
username instead of only the username part of the email address.
23:00:06 S: * OK [CAPABILITY st11p00mm-iscream012 14G
iSCREAM ready to rumble
Off topic: I guess Apple Mail uses “AUTH=ATOKEN” to login. I'm
offline at the time of writing this and cannot look it up, but I do
know it is not supported by MailMate.
Was asked for the password twice even though I had already set the
password in the Edit IMAP Account section.
When authentication fails then MailMate keeps on asking. I did make
some recent changes to password handling which means I'm not ruling
out any new bugs.
If you still cannot make it work then let's debug the issue off list.
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