On 7 Oct 2014, at 23:41, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:

On 8 Oct 2014, at 8:35, Steve Mayer wrote:

You should have received an email from Apple a few weeks back concerning the requirement of using app specific passwords for third party apps accessing iCloud. It appears they turned this on today.

I guess I'll be receiving a lot of feedback related to this the next few days :-)

Seems a bit strange that this does not include Apple Mail. I wonder what prevents a third party app from pretending to be Apple Mail…

I was able to generate an app specific password for MailMate and the login worked again fine.

Great tip, Steve, thanks.  That was it indeed.

I've had so many mails from Apple for dev testing on 10.10 that this particular one slipped by me.

Worth noting for others!

Well, if I received such an email in my iCloud account then I also missed it (and apparently also deleted it).

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