On 31 Jan 2014, at 20:27, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 31 Jan 2014, at 19:32, Pedro Lobo wrote:
>> On 31 Jan 2014, at 18:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
>>> The main problem is locating the task in TaskPaper. It is likely that 
>>> TaskPaper returns some kind of identifier for this purpose, but this then 
>>> needs to be stored until it is needed when a reply has been sent. This is 
>>> hard to do in a way that would synchronize with the IMAP server (it could 
>>> be an IMAP keyword, but I don't think servers work well with a very large 
>>> number of keywords). It would probably be better if the task could be 
>>> located using the Message-ID of the message.
>>> So,
>>> * a smart mailbox with conditions for the keywords @awaiting and `\Answered`
>>> * should have a rule with an action launching a script
>>> * which given the Message-ID of the message matching the conditions would 
>>> locate the task and mark it @done.
>>> The rule should probably also remove `@awaiting` in order to prevent other 
>>> installs of MailMate to repeat the action (this cannot be completely 
>>> avoided since they might do it at the same time).
>> **@Benny:**
>> This shouldn't be too hard. We can just add a tag **@id(*message_id*)** and 
>> then later search for a task with the same message_id. Now would this be the 
>> message_id we see in MailMate message view (Msg ID / UID)?
> No, I'm thinking of the `Message-ID` header of the message. The MsgID in 
> MailMate is not the same on different installs of MailMate and the UID is 
> only unique per mailbox (which makes it unique if combined with the IMAP 
> mailbox URL).
> Don't you already add a `message:` URL to the note? This contains the 
> `Message-ID` of the message and could be used to relocate the task (depending 
> on the TaskPaper API of course).
> -- 
> Benny
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Yeah, I already use the message_id in the task note. I'll give this some 
thought as to how best implement it.

Pedro Lobo

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