On Jan 11, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Seebs wrote:

> Oh, I am my provider.  But I would rather have the client do the work, just 
> so all the filtering configuration is in one place.
> For now, anyway, the mmCommand I set up is Doing Well Enough, so I'm happy.

That's a really interesting perspective.  

I always assumed most users prefer to do it all in one place server-side, 
because they have multiple workstations, different MUAs, mobile devices and 
tablets.  Needing to make sure a computer is on and running MailMate or some 
other MUA 24x7 to keep their email resembling sanity just doesn't seem like it 
scales very well.

It's one of the reasons that the old BlackBerry Redirector solution sucked so 
bad.  It relied on you leaving a computer running Outlook active so that you 
could get messages relayed to your BlackBerry if you didn't also run an 
Exchange or (lol) Notes server and have a BES.  It was dark times.

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