On 11 Jan 2012, at 18:36, Seebs wrote: > Ahh, see. Move to junk bin isn't the same as discard. I keep old > spam so I can check whether I've seen something before, look to see > what addresses are being hit, and so on. I don't want to read it, but > I do want it in the mail system for me to look at later.
You can move mails wherever I want depending on any desired header attribute. This happens at time of receiving mails. You can also toggle read status at the same time. You can do all the cool stuff directly on server (via Sieve) like in filtering mail clients like Postbox. But not every mail provider let you do this. If your provider gives you access to Sieve, you can also do. http://fastmail.wikia.com/wiki/SieveExamples -- Gru? Mike