On 17 Nov 2011, at 12:00, mailmate-request at lists.freron.com wrote:

> No, the only kind of deletion of attachments possible is to remove
> attachments from an existing draft (in the composer). I assume you 
> want
> to be able to remove an attachment from any message (which implicitly
> means that the message needs to be deleted from the server and
> re-uploaded in its new reduced form).
> You are actually the first to request this feature, but I would find 
> it
> useful myself (on rare occasions).

I find it useful as I can delete the attachment once I have it - say to 
update it - but keep the record of having received it and any 
information about it in the mail messages.

I quite like the way Apple Mail annotates the original mail message to 
highlight that there was originally an attachment and it has been 

[The attachment 1065-30003-85-1A_Draft A4_1.doc has been manually 



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