On 5 Apr 2013, at 13:57, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

The Content-ID is (should be) unique and therefore you cannot reference anything you don't already know.

Content-ID suffers from collision risks akin to those seen in Message-ID. The most important gap is that agents creating ID's have a history of using domain-parts that are also used by a potentially very large and unknowable universe of other agents. Some mailer might think 'sequencenumber@localhost.localdomain' is perfectly fine, but it isn't going to be: there are a bazillion mismanaged Linux machines that believe themselves to be localhost.localdomain. A UUID in the local-part is the right way to go, but that's a rare practice.

I could, of course, offer an option for forbidding cross-message cid: references.

That would be prudent. This seems to me to be a (minor) security issue. I haven't thought up a detailed attack model, but it might be useful in some forms of "spearphishing" and in filter evasion.

In principle, each message should be considered in isolation when rendering it: references to data external to a message shouldn't be resolved automatically, whatever the URL scheme. Messages these days routinely run a gauntlet of filters to get delivered, which in some cases (e.g.SpamAssassin) include meta-rules that but significant scoring weights on combinations of individually trivially-weighted rules. A feature that enables a sender to pull together elements from multiple messages (perhaps delivered over an extended time or even to multiple accounts) into a single message rendering is a bad idea.

(I am also uneasy about the whole concept of rendering markup in text/plain parts on principle, but I expect
that's an unwinnable argument)

I would certainly have preferred that the markup for inline images was more “natural” like the rest of the Markdown markup. I chose Markdown because it generally looks just like plain text (and because it is already based on email syntax).

I'm not against Markdown as a tool to generate HTML for those who want to engage in such behaviors, but I'd very much like a way to switch off interpretation of Markdown in message windows. For myself, I'll shortly be adding a header_checks rule to my personal Postfix config to knock markup=markdown out of Content-Type headers on all mail. It's a misfeature in concept, not merely in implementation.
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