On 5 Apr 2013, at 13:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 5 Apr 2013, at 19:46, Bill Cole wrote:
CORRECTION: I neglected to make the first version a Markdown
message... Here's the demo:
And it failed again. My crappy mailing list software (Mailman) strips
the `markup=markdown` part of plain text messages. It only works with
HTML generation enabled. I have not found an easy way to solve this,
but I should since this is the only list where one should not need to
enable HTML generation :-)
Just to be sure this is clear: you DO NOT need to enable HTML generation
for the cross-message reference to be resolved by MM, only to get the
markup=markdown parameter past Mailman OR to get rendering by any MUA
that doesn't understand markup=markdown, i.e. anything other than MM. If
one sends a message with this message-level Content-Type:
Content-Type: text/plain; markup=markdown
And this 3-line body:
There's nothing at this content-id:

That's bad
MM will find the referenced image anywhere in its store and render it.
mailmate mailing list