I was struck by the number of comments from people who said they based their 
decisions to stick with Windows solely on his article. It was a very fair 
article, although some of the points are just wrong, such as iBooks being as 
inaccessible as he thinks. Anyhow, I wouldn't base my decision to do anything 
on just one person's experience. 

It was interesting to read, but I'll stick with what I have. I like it well 
enough, and as long as Apple commits to accessibility, I'll vote with my 
wallet. Pure and simple for me.


Teresa Cochran

On Feb 23, 2014, at 9:15 AM, Phil Halton <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Man! you just knew this would get a thread going. Personally, I use both Mac 
> and Windows in a VM, both have their attractions and strong points. I don't 
> like the rather screwy accessibility breakage I'm seeing on the Mac, and I 
> also don't like microsofts changing interfaces (e.g.. windows7 to window 8).
> I have no loyalty to either brand, brand loyalty is just plain foolish  in my 
> opinion. life is getting too short to look for and expect perfection 
> anywhere.  I'll use whatever works at the moment without worrying too much 
> about what doesn't.
> On Feb 23, 2014, at 12:02 PM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
>> Tim,
>> I feel that is exactly the most important point.
>> Computer choices are totally and completely individual, as they should be. 
>> Any  suggestion that  one method or means works for  anyone but yourself 
>> suggests that there is no  individual human differences which is simply 
>> untrue.
>> The sooner people stop suggesting that stereotypes translate into reality 
>> for everyone.   Respect that  the first question should  always be how will 
>> this work for my personal needs?   and that individual encouraged to express 
>> their individual choice without fear of condemnation by a collective and 
>> nonexistent community,   the easier it will be for others to respect your 
>> uniqueness.  There are no two people who experience anything, including 
>> sight loss the same.  Time to respect this persons choices, he said 
>> personal, owning that they apply to him alone.  Just as your seasoning 
>> applies only to you.
>> certainly you can share  how you managed a problem, but no one should ever 
>> think that their choices to do it differently is somehow less than 
>> sensational...for them.  There is no one size fits tool to accomplish 
>> individual human  artistry, because no one lives in your body but you.
>> Karen
>> On Sun, 23 Feb 2014, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Hmmm, interesting.  Whatever works best for you and your own situation, I 
>>> guess.  I'm more than fine with my Macs and have no similar intentions nor 
>>> do I necessarily agree with all his sentiments.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Feb 22, 2014, at 11:53 PM, Mario Navarro <mario....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> http://www.marcozehe.de/2014/02/07/switching-back-to-windows/
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