I'm not sure they'll integrate it completely. If they do, they may just 
integrate it into narrator, which would be interesting. However, I don't think 
they should, as the microsoft speech platform is so slow.
Sent from my braille plus 18

Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com> wrote:

>Actually, I was surprised that Microsoft didn't try to pair with NVDA. That 
>would've seemed to be more beneficial economically for both Microsoft and NVDA.
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 14, 2014, at 2:00 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie <caitlyn.furn...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> I agree.
>> My sma for WE ran out at version 8 and it’s not worth upgrading anymore.
>> NVDA is a much better choice if you have to use windows.
>> Cait
>>> On Jan 14, 2014, at 2:44 PM, erik burggraaf <e...@erik-burggraaf.com> wrote:
>>> Wow,  Well, this is officially O/T I guess, but I couldn't help laughing at 
>>> this.  I had been a loyal window-eyes user on the windows side, but have 
>>> switched to NVDA full time now because of better UIA support, better access 
>>> to flash and other dynamic content, better braille support, and touch 
>>> screen support which window-eyes has not at all.  There hasn't been a 
>>> revolutionary development in the window-eyes world in 5 years or more since 
>>> they introduced open scripting in version 7.
>>> Leading the way is pure propaganda at this point, but I guess doug and Dan 
>>> have well stocked RRSP's at this point and don't really have to giddyup 
>>> these days.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>>>> On 2014-01-14, at 2:21 PM, Bill Holton <bill32...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Jan-14-2014
>>>> Fort Wayne, Indiana (January 14, 2014) - GW Micro, Inc. (www.gwmicro.com) 
>>>> is proud
>>>> to make a revolutionary announcement. GW Micro and Microsoft Corp. have 
>>>> partnered
>>>> to make Window-Eyes available to users of Microsoft Office at no cost. 
>>>> Window-Eyes
>>>> is a screen reader that enables people who are blind, visually impaired, 
>>>> or print
>>>> disabled to have full access to Windows PCs and makes the computer 
>>>> accessible via
>>>> speech and/or Braille.
>>>> To better deliver Window-Eyes to the people who need it most, GW Micro and 
>>>> Microsoft
>>>> have collaborated on this global initiative, available in over 15 
>>>> languages, to enable
>>>> anyone using Microsoft Office 2010 or later to also use Window-Eyes for 
>>>> free.
>>>> Access to technology is critical to people who are blind or visually 
>>>> impaired in
>>>> order to have the same opportunity to compete in the workplace. As such, 
>>>> this initiative
>>>> between GW Micro and Microsoft has the potential to reduce barriers for 
>>>> millions
>>>> of people who are blind or visually impaired around the world.
>>>> As the population ages, technologies like Window-Eyes will become more and 
>>>> more important
>>>> as the number of people with age-related macular degeneration and other 
>>>> retinal degenerative
>>>> diseases increases. "
>>>> This significant change in the way we are doing business reflects the 
>>>> changing perception
>>>> of accessibility and also technology in general.
>>>>   Rather than wait for the world to change, Microsoft and GW Micro are 
>>>> leading the
>>>> way
>>>> ," said Dan Weirich, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for GW Micro.
>>>> Weirich believes this technology can help millions of people gain access 
>>>> to their
>>>> PC, and that providing it free of charge will open a whole new world of 
>>>> assistive
>>>> technology to many people.
>>>> In light of the rapidly changing face of technology and specifically, the 
>>>> changing
>>>> face of assistive technology, the combined efforts of GW Micro and 
>>>> Microsoft have
>>>> the goal of providing accessibility to people who are blind and visually 
>>>> impaired
>>>> for the long term.
>>>> Microsoft continues to take accessibility seriously.
>>>> “By partnering with GW Micro in this endeavor we are demonstrating 
>>>> Microsoft’s ongoing
>>>> commitment to provide all of our customers with the technology and tools 
>>>> to help
>>>> each person be productive in both their work and personal lives.”
>>>> said Rob Sinclair, Chief Accessibility Officer for Microsoft.
>>>> Eligible customers, using Microsoft Office 2010 or higher, will be able to 
>>>> download
>>>> a full version of Window-Eyes starting today at
>>>> www.WindowEyesForOffice.com
>>>> .
>>>> The website provides download instructions as well as additional details 
>>>> about this
>>>> offer.
>>>> GW Micro, Inc. (www.gwmicro.com) has been a trusted pioneer in the 
>>>> adaptive technology
>>>> industry since 1990, and continues to lead with innovative, customer 
>>>> driven solutions.
>>>> Contact:
>>>> Dan Weirich, VP of Sales and Marketing
>>>> d...@gwmicro.com
>>>> (260) 489-3671
>>>> ###
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