I have just purchased both the ios and mac version. My first question is: how 
do i import a recipe? also, can you use all recipes.com?


On Jan 13, 2014, at 7:48 AM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Esther, since Mac Gourmet has been totally taken over by Mariner software 
> they are trying to make up for lost time.  They are very responsive in 
> relation to accessibility issues and I have heard others say that they honor 
> upgrades if an older version is purchased through the app store.  The iOS 
> seems to be accessible although I have not loaded any recipes into it yet.  
> I'm still sorting out all the ones I have on my mac.  I think it is much 
> easier to get recipes into Mad Gourmet but I do really like the bulk import 
> feature that Paprika has to offer.  I wish Mac Gourmet would come up with a 
> way to do that as well.  I think that Mac Gourmet has a lot of extra features 
> but each person will have to decide if the price is worth it.  If a person 
> just wants to store recipes then Paprika seems like a great option.  To me it 
> seems more basic but then the price is cheaper as well,.One thing that I 
> noticed when exporting my recipes from Mac Gourmet to Paprika which I 
> recently purchases for comparison sake was that the database seems to be 
> smaller in size in Paprika but not sure if that was a fluke or if that is 
> just the way it works out.  But if that is the case then maybe it will be 
> smaller on an iDevice as well.
> Jim
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 6:37 AM, Esther <mori...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jessica,
>> I haven't tried the iOS app, but I just noticed that the version of 
>> MacGourmet they put on sale in the Mac App Store is version 3, and the iOS 
>> app requires version 4 in order to support cloud syncing.  This does not 
>> seem very honest to me -- the version that they are selling directly from 
>> their web site (at full price) is version 4, which they will presumably 
>> shortly release to the Mac App Store.  However, one of the reviews said that 
>> they had contacted the developer directly and been given a serial number 
>> they could use with the version 4 downloaded from the web site in the 
>> meantime, which would be OK (just as long as you know about it, and don't 
>> end up having to pay again for the app).
>> The iOS app is supposed to be universal (so, yes, it should work on either 
>> the iPhone or the iPad), but I haven't tried it for accessibility. In theory 
>> you could try the iOS app, and import recipes into a cloud account.  But 
>> remember, historically the app developers did a good job on the Mac app, and 
>> didn't have good support for the iOS app.  There are some reports of crashes 
>> in the reviews.  I posted the information on MacGourmet because of the 
>> previous interest.  I can only recommend the Mac App (which I have in 
>> version 3).  The computer to computer sharing has some more features.  I 
>> don't know how well this works for iOS.  I see that version 4 (at least) has 
>> an FAQ for importing recipe formats from Paprika Recipe Manager. And I know 
>> Paprika can import MacGourmet formats.
>> Sorry not to have more information about this, but I've been using Paprika 
>> for the iOS functions.  HTH. Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Monday, January 13, 2014 1:41:07 AM UTC-10, Jessica D wrote:
>> Can i use the ios version & get the mac version at a later date?
>> Does the ios version work on iPad?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 13, 2014, at 12:07 AM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I recall during the discussion of cooking apps that some of you were 
>>> interested in Mac Gourmet.  I just noticed it is on sale at the Mac App 
>>> store for $9.99, reduced from it's usual list price of $24.99.  The 
>>> announcement says "Polar Vortex Promo! Embrace the cold and save money! 
>>> Promotion ends January 13th!" -- which could mean in a few hours.
>>> Here's the App Store URL:
>>> • MacGourmet ($9.99 on sale, lists for $24.99) by Mariner Software
>>> https://itunes.apple.com/app/macgourmet/id403560571?mt=12
>>> The deluxe version of MacGourmet with meal-planning, nutritional 
>>> information, and generating shopping lists is also on sale, but at less of 
>>> a discount:
>>> • MacGourmet Deluxe ($34.99 on sale, lists for $39.99)
>>> https://itunes.apple.com/app/macgourmet-deluxe/id412646750?mt=12
>>> There is also an iOS app:
>>> • Gourmet (for iOS) ($1.99 on sale, lists for $3.99)
>>> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gourmet-for-ios/id711561842?mt=8
>>> Please read the reviews.  While I have used the previous version of 
>>> MacGourmet on the Mac quite successfully, there have been multiple problems 
>>> reported with the cloud syncing with iOS.  (One of the reasons I 
>>> recommended Paprika Recipe Manager.)
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
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