Esther, since Mac Gourmet has been totally taken over by Mariner software they 
are trying to make up for lost time.  They are very responsive in relation to 
accessibility issues and I have heard others say that they honor upgrades if an 
older version is purchased through the app store.  The iOS seems to be 
accessible although I have not loaded any recipes into it yet.  I'm still 
sorting out all the ones I have on my mac.  I think it is much easier to get 
recipes into Mad Gourmet but I do really like the bulk import feature that 
Paprika has to offer.  I wish Mac Gourmet would come up with a way to do that 
as well.  I think that Mac Gourmet has a lot of extra features but each person 
will have to decide if the price is worth it.  If a person just wants to store 
recipes then Paprika seems like a great option.  To me it seems more basic but 
then the price is cheaper as well,.One thing that I noticed when exporting my 
recipes from Mac Gourmet to Paprika which I recently purchases for comparison 
sake was that the database seems to be smaller in size in Paprika but not sure 
if that was a fluke or if that is just the way it works out.  But if that is 
the case then maybe it will be smaller on an iDevice as well.

On Jan 13, 2014, at 6:37 AM, Esther <> wrote:

> Hi Jessica,
> I haven't tried the iOS app, but I just noticed that the version of 
> MacGourmet they put on sale in the Mac App Store is version 3, and the iOS 
> app requires version 4 in order to support cloud syncing.  This does not seem 
> very honest to me -- the version that they are selling directly from their 
> web site (at full price) is version 4, which they will presumably shortly 
> release to the Mac App Store.  However, one of the reviews said that they had 
> contacted the developer directly and been given a serial number they could 
> use with the version 4 downloaded from the web site in the meantime, which 
> would be OK (just as long as you know about it, and don't end up having to 
> pay again for the app).
> The iOS app is supposed to be universal (so, yes, it should work on either 
> the iPhone or the iPad), but I haven't tried it for accessibility. In theory 
> you could try the iOS app, and import recipes into a cloud account.  But 
> remember, historically the app developers did a good job on the Mac app, and 
> didn't have good support for the iOS app.  There are some reports of crashes 
> in the reviews.  I posted the information on MacGourmet because of the 
> previous interest.  I can only recommend the Mac App (which I have in version 
> 3).  The computer to computer sharing has some more features.  I don't know 
> how well this works for iOS.  I see that version 4 (at least) has an FAQ for 
> importing recipe formats from Paprika Recipe Manager. And I know Paprika can 
> import MacGourmet formats.
> Sorry not to have more information about this, but I've been using Paprika 
> for the iOS functions.  HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On Monday, January 13, 2014 1:41:07 AM UTC-10, Jessica D wrote:
> Can i use the ios version & get the mac version at a later date?
> Does the ios version work on ipad?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 12:07 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I recall during the discussion of cooking apps that some of you were 
>> interested in Mac Gourmet.  I just noticed it is on sale at the Mac App 
>> store for $9.99, reduced from it's usual list price of $24.99.  The 
>> announcement says "Polar Vortex Promo! Embrace the cold and save money! 
>> Promotion ends January 13th!" -- which could mean in a few hours.
>> Here's the App Store URL:
>> • MacGourmet ($9.99 on sale, lists for $24.99) by Mariner Software
>> The deluxe version of MacGourmet with meal-planning, nutritional 
>> information, and generating shopping lists is also on sale, but at less of a 
>> discount:
>> • MacGourmet Deluxe ($34.99 on sale, lists for $39.99)
>> There is also an iOS app:
>> • Gourmet (for iOS) ($1.99 on sale, lists for $3.99)
>> Please read the reviews.  While I have used the previous version of 
>> MacGourmet on the Mac quite successfully, there have been multiple problems 
>> reported with the cloud syncing with iOS.  (One of the reasons I recommended 
>> Paprika Recipe Manager.)
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
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