
I have read through this post and it brings me to ask a couple of questions:

1. If I am using iTextExpress to set the recipe up to be accepted by Paprika as 
described below, do I save the doc in the .YML file type. That file type is not 
in the list in iText Express.
2. If I need to create a new file, what's the difference in just doing a 
copy/paste into the set fields in Paprika?

Maybe I am just not totally comprehending the format or process to accomplish 
importing my recipes that I have in a different format. Sometimes when I am 
doing something for the first time, I need step-by-step instructions to process 
it. I am only 4 months with the Mac, so please be patient with me. 

Thanks in advance. 

On Jan 5, 2014, at 1:14 AM, Sean Murphy <mhysnm1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Below is the extract from the user manual.
> YAML is a simple, plain text file with sections delimited by key-value pairs. 
> To indicate a block of text, use an initial pipe character, as shown in 
> directions
> and ingredients. Consistent indenting should be used, but the order of the 
> fields does not matter, and most are optional with the exception of the name,
> ingredients and directions. It is recommended that you use an online YAML 
> validator such as 
> this one
> to validate your file if you're experiencing difficulties importing.
> Note We've added several new fields: on_favorites takes a yes value and 
> indicates that the recipe should be added to your favorites. categories is a 
> list; the category will be created if it does not exist. photo is a base-64 
> encoded image. All these new fields are optional.
> YAML recipe example:
> name: My Tasty Recipe
> servings: 4-6 servings
> source: Food Network
> source_url: http://www.google.com
> prep_time: 10 min
> cook_time: 30 min
> on_favorites: yes
> categories: [Dinner, Holiday]
> nutritional_info: 500 calories
> difficulty: Easy
> rating: 5
> notes: |
>  This is delicious!!!
> photo: (base-64 encoded image)
> ingredients: |
>  1/2 lb meat
>  1/2 lb vegetables
>  salt
>  pepper
>  2 tbsp olive oil
>  4 cups flour
> directions: |
>  Mix things together.
>  Eat.
>  Tasty.
>  Yum yum yum.
> YAML multiple recipes example:
> - name: My Tasty Recipe
>  servings: 4-6 servings
>  source: Food Network
>  source_url: http://www.google.com
>  prep_time: 10 min
>  cook_time: 30 min
>  nutritional_info: 500 calories
>  on_favorites: yes
>  categories: [Dinner, Holiday]
>  difficulty: Easy
>  rating: 5
>  notes: |
>    This is delicious!!!
>  ingredients: |
>    1/2 lb meat
>    1/2 lb vegetables
>    salt
>    pepper
>    2 tbsp olive oil
>    4 cups flour
>  directions: |
>    Mix things together.
>    Eat.
>    Tasty.
>    Yum yum yum.
> - name: My Tasty Recipe 2
>  servings: 4-6 servings
>  source: Food Network
>  source_url: http://www.google.com
>  prep_time: 10 min
>  cook_time: 30 min
>  nutritional_info: 500 calories
>  difficulty: Easy
>  rating: 5
>  photo: | (base-64 encoded image)
>  notes: |
>    This is delicious!!!
>  ingredients: |
>    1/2 lb meat
>    1/2 lb vegetables
>    salt
>    pepper
>    2 tbsp olive oil
>    4 cups flour
>  directions: |
>    Mix things together.
>    Eat.
>    Tasty.
>    Yum yum yum.
> On 05/01/2014, at 4:22 AM, Eileens Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Paprika Folks,
>> I need some expert assistance. I copied my recipes that I have collected 
>> over the years from my Win 7 PC machine onto a USB thumb drive. I placed the 
>> thumb drive into an USB port on my Air, opened Paprika and attemted to 
>> import the first recipe file from the drive. I received an error stating 
>> that the file type was not recognized by Paprika and couldn't be imported. 
>> These files are either DOC or DOCX files. What file types does Paprika like 
>> and will import to the app? I didn't think this would matter, but I see that 
>> I might have additional work and another folder to add to this thumb drive 
>> to import my recipes. Please Advise on how to resolve this.
>> Thanks.
>> Best,
>> Eileen
>> Sent from my iPhone
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