Hey Ricardo, Thanks so much for letting me know I am not the only one this 
happened to. Did your filters start working again, as mine didn't and I had to 
create them in mac mail. Yes, I have my Gmail set up to imap on the iPhone, I 
hate pop as I am also a go daddy email user and their pop was awful so I 
switched to imap so everything would sync across devices. Not sure why I never 
could get messages to properly filter on the iPhone and it does get annoying 
when I travel.
On Dec 13, 2013, at 3:10 AM, Ricardo Walker <rwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This happened to me yesterday as well.  For some reason, some of my filters 
> in gmail just stopped working.  So your not alone. lol.  About the filters 
> not working on your phone though, do you have gmail set up as an IMAP account 
> on it?
> Thanks.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Dec 13, 2013, at 12:15 AM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Jim,
>> Well for some odd reason my mail filters just stopped working on my iMac, 
>> and the mail filters I have set up in gmail never work or I should say 
>> rarely work on my iPhone, not sure why but when I am at home the filters 
>> seem to work but as soon as I am off WiFi and out and about none of the 
>> messages get filtered. Not sure why being at home on wifi would have any 
>> affect on my gmail filtering but it does, and like I said in the last day 
>> all the filters just stopped working, and didn't start working until I 
>> recreated them in MacMail. I did check in Gmail and they were still there so 
>> not sure how or why they just stopped working. I guess you are lucky that 
>> yours seem to be working.
>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 10:13 PM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Brian!
>>> What exactly do you mean that you can not sec with your iPhone?  I have 
>>> gmail and am using iMap both on my mac and the iPhone.  All my folders show 
>>> up and the messages are filtered properly.  I just used the "create a 
>>> filter" link in basic gmail to create my filter rules.  Unfortunately I 
>>> have 50000 messages in my account but it is my goal to whittle that down to 
>>> something manageable this year.
>>> Jim
>>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 8:35 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Well, after all of my troubleshooting I have figure out that it is 
>>>> definitely a gmail issue, as I deleted everything starting from scratch 
>>>> and setting the rules/filters in gmail did nothing. I just reset the rules 
>>>> in mammal and sure enough all the messages are now going back to the 
>>>> mailboxes I want them to. Only problem is this won't sync to my iPhone 
>>>> which definitely sucks, not sure why either Apple or Google can't stop 
>>>> fiddling with things when they work gets really frustrating.
>>>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Terje Strømberg <terjestrmb...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> You may have to make a label first. Be sure to type in the correct email 
>>>>> adress when making a filter. Try with only the senders email address 
>>>>> first and nothing else in topic, message text field etc. Only the senders 
>>>>> email adress. Then, you are minimizing the potential errors because you 
>>>>> have only enterd the email adress, there must be wrong email address. Of 
>>>>> course, the label name and skip inbox must be chosen. Take a look at step 
>>>>> 15. below. If you have many messages below in that step, you are doing 
>>>>> right, if not, there must be a miss spelled email address. Though i am a 
>>>>> little bit confused about this guides step 4. although i write it. Long 
>>>>> time since i filterd anything to a label. 
>>>>> Copyic from another message:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Use your mac.
>>>>>> You need to change gmail on web from standard view to basic html view. 
>>>>>> Here is a link to a how to do that 
>>>>>> http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/24763/how-can-i-convert-gmail-from-standard-view-to-basic-html-view
>>>>>> Other may fill in and add details or correct. No problem.
>>>>>> You may place a check mark in step 15. it will filter the most of your 
>>>>>> emails already stored, but it may take several days to filter. That 
>>>>>> scared me first time from check mark this because it looked scarying 
>>>>>> wtih so many emails falling down from the net like an never ending river.
>>>>>> In my opinion a filter option is  a great tool to keep order in our 
>>>>>> inbox. Noticed that some have 3000 - 4000 emails after 3 days without 
>>>>>> checking the email. I like many others are using gmail. A very good 
>>>>>> email client. Accesible. Filtering using Label and filter. You can use 
>>>>>> the Mail account built in IOS with gmail inside Mail IOS. If you make a 
>>>>>> new Label or a Map(this is the same i.e..Label is an map in your mailbox 
>>>>>> list under inbox, sent, deleted etc). 
>>>>>> If you don't have an gmail account you ca register one first on 
>>>>>> google.com Don't remember exactly how, but it is pretty straight forward 
>>>>>> and not dangerous. Chose IMAP if it is an option between IMAP or POP. 
>>>>>> IMAP synchronize email between iPhone, iPod, Mac and iPad. If you want 
>>>>>> to use the built in Mail program in IOS you register first on google.com 
>>>>>> then go to Settings > Mail > add Account. Find gmail in the list.. If 
>>>>>> memory serves, you only have to set username and password inside the 
>>>>>> built in IOS MAIL IF you already have signed an account on google.com 
>>>>>> Making a Label or Map.
>>>>>> 1. Log in to gmail.
>>>>>> 2. Go to Settings > Label. Settings are in the upper right corner. A 
>>>>>> window pops up and you find the Label knob.Above the inbox there are 
>>>>>> also an link called make a filter and after above the inbox. Opening 
>>>>>> this, the same window opens.
>>>>>> 3. Find the text box. Type the name viphone for the Label or Map(it is 
>>>>>> the same). Hit setup knob. Now you have a Label or Map in your list 
>>>>>> under Mailbox i.e. inbox, sent, all e-post etc.
>>>>>> Make a filter rule. It is easy. Gmail is accessible and straight forward 
>>>>>> in this case at least.
>>>>>> 1. Find the knob Filter in the same window above the table in a list 
>>>>>> above the table. Hit filter. Now we want to filter 
>>>>>> viph...@googlegroups.com to go into the Label or Map you made.
>>>>>> 2. Find the knob "make a new filter". A new window with a table opens. 
>>>>>> Set a filter. Make search criteria.
>>>>>> 3. Find the text field "from". Do not type anything here - leave this 
>>>>>> field empty. 
>>>>>> 4. Tab to "to" field Here you type viph...@googlegroups.com. 
>>>>>> 5. Tab to subject. Leave this field empty.
>>>>>> 6. Tab to "cotain these words". Leave this field empty.
>>>>>> 7. Tab to "do not contain". Leave this field empty.
>>>>>> 8. Tab to have attachment. Leave this empty.
>>>>>> 9. Before you tab to next step, be aware of that the only field you 
>>>>>> enter any text or mark is in the field "to". Tab to the knob "next step" 
>>>>>> A new window containing an headline called "make a filter" a table 
>>>>>> called something like chose an action or command for this filter.
>>>>>> 10. Tab to jump over the inbox. Place a check mark here. Very important.
>>>>>> 11. Tab to mark it with a star. Leave this empty.
>>>>>> 12. Tab to use the label. Make a check mark here. Very important.
>>>>>> 13. Tab once to a know with a drop down list.Find the Label or Map 
>>>>>> called "viphone and hit it. Important: check that the Label viphone are 
>>>>>> chosen.
>>>>>> 14. Tab to "delete it". Leave this field empty.
>>>>>> 15. Tab to "do also use this filter on the conversations below. Leave 
>>>>>> this field empty. Very important that this field is empty. You can chose 
>>>>>> to check mark this step if you want to filter the mail you already have 
>>>>>> in your mailboxes. The reason why i did not recommended this is that it 
>>>>>> can take several days if you have 20 000 emails +. The emails will be 
>>>>>> filtered htough e.e. old emails.
>>>>>> 16. Tab to "make filter". Finished. 
>>>>>> Now all the e-post sent to viph...@googlegroups.com will be sent to the 
>>>>>> label or map called viphone. This Label will reside in the last list 
>>>>>> under your inbox, sendt e-mail, delete etc. If it do not work, you have 
>>>>>> entered wrong address i.e. email address, period. It works. If you do 
>>>>>> exactly as described above. 
>>>>>> You will receive exactly the same 3000 emails as before, but the will be 
>>>>>> in the label viphone. You have therefore more space in your inbox for 
>>>>>> non list emails. You can do these steps for any list or from any sender. 
>>>>>> You can test the other options and delete those filters which do not 
>>>>>> works. Let us think about 8000 thousand emails. You can have 4 Labels or 
>>>>>> Maps containing 2000 in each. And only have 70 emails in your inbox with 
>>>>>> more private subjects ore none email list post.
>>>>> Take care 
>>>>> 12. des. 2013 kl. 23:23 skrev Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Gina,
>>>>>> Everything was working fine yesterday morning, I did no updates, so not 
>>>>>> sure where or how this problem started up. I used to use my rules in mac 
>>>>>> mail but for some reason those rules don't work on the Mac and iPhone, 
>>>>>> so I needed to use the actual gmail rules which worked most of the time, 
>>>>>> and at least kept things organized on my imac and mac air, now 
>>>>>> everything is just a total mess
>>>>>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Georgina Joyce <g...@gena-j.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Not sure what you are asking. Did you set up your rules within Apple 
>>>>>>> Mail or on the Google GMail website. I don’t know about rules with 
>>>>>>> Google. But you will find rules within Apple Mail’s preferences. cmd 
>>>>>>> and comma. There are circumstances that seem to knock out rules when 
>>>>>>> you configure them on another device and you use iCloud. Is this what 
>>>>>>> has happened?
>>>>>>> Gena
>>>>>>> On 12 Dec 2013, at 20:08, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>>> My mail filters have completely stopped working in Mac mail. I figure 
>>>>>>>> the only way to try and get them working again is to delete them all 
>>>>>>>> and start over. Only problem when I go to my Gmail page on the web I 
>>>>>>>> can't find any option to manage mail filters all I get is create a 
>>>>>>>> filter. I have the rules set both in gmail and mac mail and figure I 
>>>>>>>> have to delete them everywhere to start fresh. Anyone know where to go 
>>>>>>>> in gmail to delete your rules? Thanks,
>>>>>>>> -- 
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