
This happened to me yesterday as well.  For some reason, some of my filters in 
gmail just stopped working.  So your not alone. lol.  About the filters not 
working on your phone though, do you have gmail set up as an IMAP account on it?


Ricardo Walker

On Dec 13, 2013, at 12:15 AM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Jim,
> Well for some odd reason my mail filters just stopped working on my iMac, and 
> the mail filters I have set up in gmail never work or I should say rarely 
> work on my iPhone, not sure why but when I am at home the filters seem to 
> work but as soon as I am off WiFi and out and about none of the messages get 
> filtered. Not sure why being at home on wifi would have any affect on my 
> gmail filtering but it does, and like I said in the last day all the filters 
> just stopped working, and didn't start working until I recreated them in 
> MacMail. I did check in Gmail and they were still there so not sure how or 
> why they just stopped working. I guess you are lucky that yours seem to be 
> working.
> On Dec 12, 2013, at 10:13 PM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Brian!
>> What exactly do you mean that you can not sec with your iPhone?  I have 
>> gmail and am using iMap both on my mac and the iPhone.  All my folders show 
>> up and the messages are filtered properly.  I just used the "create a 
>> filter" link in basic gmail to create my filter rules.  Unfortunately I have 
>> 50000 messages in my account but it is my goal to whittle that down to 
>> something manageable this year.
>> Jim
>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 8:35 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Well, after all of my troubleshooting I have figure out that it is 
>>> definitely a gmail issue, as I deleted everything starting from scratch and 
>>> setting the rules/filters in gmail did nothing. I just reset the rules in 
>>> mammal and sure enough all the messages are now going back to the mailboxes 
>>> I want them to. Only problem is this won't sync to my iPhone which 
>>> definitely sucks, not sure why either Apple or Google can't stop fiddling 
>>> with things when they work gets really frustrating.
>>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Terje Strømberg <terjestrmb...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> You may have to make a label first. Be sure to type in the correct email 
>>>> adress when making a filter. Try with only the senders email address first 
>>>> and nothing else in topic, message text field etc. Only the senders email 
>>>> adress. Then, you are minimizing the potential errors because you have 
>>>> only enterd the email adress, there must be wrong email address. Of 
>>>> course, the label name and skip inbox must be chosen. Take a look at step 
>>>> 15. below. If you have many messages below in that step, you are doing 
>>>> right, if not, there must be a miss spelled email address. Though i am a 
>>>> little bit confused about this guides step 4. although i write it. Long 
>>>> time since i filterd anything to a label. 
>>>> Copyic from another message:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Use your mac.
>>>>> You need to change gmail on web from standard view to basic html view. 
>>>>> Here is a link to a how to do that 
>>>>> http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/24763/how-can-i-convert-gmail-from-standard-view-to-basic-html-view
>>>>> Other may fill in and add details or correct. No problem.
>>>>> You may place a check mark in step 15. it will filter the most of your 
>>>>> emails already stored, but it may take several days to filter. That 
>>>>> scared me first time from check mark this because it looked scarying wtih 
>>>>> so many emails falling down from the net like an never ending river.
>>>>> In my opinion a filter option is  a great tool to keep order in our 
>>>>> inbox. Noticed that some have 3000 - 4000 emails after 3 days without 
>>>>> checking the email. I like many others are using gmail. A very good email 
>>>>> client. Accesible. Filtering using Label and filter. You can use the Mail 
>>>>> account built in IOS with gmail inside Mail IOS. If you make a new Label 
>>>>> or a Map(this is the same i.e..Label is an map in your mailbox list under 
>>>>> inbox, sent, deleted etc). 
>>>>> If you don't have an gmail account you ca register one first on 
>>>>> google.com Don't remember exactly how, but it is pretty straight forward 
>>>>> and not dangerous. Chose IMAP if it is an option between IMAP or POP. 
>>>>> IMAP synchronize email between iPhone, iPod, Mac and iPad. If you want to 
>>>>> use the built in Mail program in IOS you register first on google.com 
>>>>> then go to Settings > Mail > add Account. Find gmail in the list.. If 
>>>>> memory serves, you only have to set username and password inside the 
>>>>> built in IOS MAIL IF you already have signed an account on google.com 
>>>>> Making a Label or Map.
>>>>> 1. Log in to gmail.
>>>>> 2. Go to Settings > Label. Settings are in the upper right corner. A 
>>>>> window pops up and you find the Label knob.Above the inbox there are also 
>>>>> an link called make a filter and after above the inbox. Opening this, the 
>>>>> same window opens.
>>>>> 3. Find the text box. Type the name viphone for the Label or Map(it is 
>>>>> the same). Hit setup knob. Now you have a Label or Map in your list under 
>>>>> Mailbox i.e. inbox, sent, all e-post etc.
>>>>> Make a filter rule. It is easy. Gmail is accessible and straight forward 
>>>>> in this case at least.
>>>>> 1. Find the knob Filter in the same window above the table in a list 
>>>>> above the table. Hit filter. Now we want to filter 
>>>>> viph...@googlegroups.com to go into the Label or Map you made.
>>>>> 2. Find the knob "make a new filter". A new window with a table opens. 
>>>>> Set a filter. Make search criteria.
>>>>> 3. Find the text field "from". Do not type anything here - leave this 
>>>>> field empty. 
>>>>> 4. Tab to "to" field Here you type viph...@googlegroups.com. 
>>>>> 5. Tab to subject. Leave this field empty.
>>>>> 6. Tab to "cotain these words". Leave this field empty.
>>>>> 7. Tab to "do not contain". Leave this field empty.
>>>>> 8. Tab to have attachment. Leave this empty.
>>>>> 9. Before you tab to next step, be aware of that the only field you enter 
>>>>> any text or mark is in the field "to". Tab to the knob "next step" A new 
>>>>> window containing an headline called "make a filter" a table called 
>>>>> something like chose an action or command for this filter.
>>>>> 10. Tab to jump over the inbox. Place a check mark here. Very important.
>>>>> 11. Tab to mark it with a star. Leave this empty.
>>>>> 12. Tab to use the label. Make a check mark here. Very important.
>>>>> 13. Tab once to a know with a drop down list.Find the Label or Map called 
>>>>> "viphone and hit it. Important: check that the Label viphone are chosen.
>>>>> 14. Tab to "delete it". Leave this field empty.
>>>>> 15. Tab to "do also use this filter on the conversations below. Leave 
>>>>> this field empty. Very important that this field is empty. You can chose 
>>>>> to check mark this step if you want to filter the mail you already have 
>>>>> in your mailboxes. The reason why i did not recommended this is that it 
>>>>> can take several days if you have 20 000 emails +. The emails will be 
>>>>> filtered htough e.e. old emails.
>>>>> 16. Tab to "make filter". Finished. 
>>>>> Now all the e-post sent to viph...@googlegroups.com will be sent to the 
>>>>> label or map called viphone. This Label will reside in the last list 
>>>>> under your inbox, sendt e-mail, delete etc. If it do not work, you have 
>>>>> entered wrong address i.e. email address, period. It works. If you do 
>>>>> exactly as described above. 
>>>>> You will receive exactly the same 3000 emails as before, but the will be 
>>>>> in the label viphone. You have therefore more space in your inbox for non 
>>>>> list emails. You can do these steps for any list or from any sender. You 
>>>>> can test the other options and delete those filters which do not works. 
>>>>> Let us think about 8000 thousand emails. You can have 4 Labels or Maps 
>>>>> containing 2000 in each. And only have 70 emails in your inbox with more 
>>>>> private subjects ore none email list post.
>>>> Take care 
>>>> 12. des. 2013 kl. 23:23 skrev Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Gina,
>>>>> Everything was working fine yesterday morning, I did no updates, so not 
>>>>> sure where or how this problem started up. I used to use my rules in mac 
>>>>> mail but for some reason those rules don't work on the Mac and iPhone, so 
>>>>> I needed to use the actual gmail rules which worked most of the time, and 
>>>>> at least kept things organized on my imac and mac air, now everything is 
>>>>> just a total mess
>>>>> On Dec 12, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Georgina Joyce <g...@gena-j.me.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Not sure what you are asking. Did you set up your rules within Apple 
>>>>>> Mail or on the Google GMail website. I don’t know about rules with 
>>>>>> Google. But you will find rules within Apple Mail’s preferences. cmd and 
>>>>>> comma. There are circumstances that seem to knock out rules when you 
>>>>>> configure them on another device and you use iCloud. Is this what has 
>>>>>> happened?
>>>>>> Gena
>>>>>> On 12 Dec 2013, at 20:08, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>> My mail filters have completely stopped working in Mac mail. I figure 
>>>>>>> the only way to try and get them working again is to delete them all 
>>>>>>> and start over. Only problem when I go to my Gmail page on the web I 
>>>>>>> can't find any option to manage mail filters all I get is create a 
>>>>>>> filter. I have the rules set both in gmail and mac mail and figure I 
>>>>>>> have to delete them everywhere to start fresh. Anyone know where to go 
>>>>>>> in gmail to delete your rules? Thanks,
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