Hello Mario,

VoiceOver is not a screen reader like JAWS or NVDA, it is an alternative way of 
interacting with the operating system. VoiceOver is not a separate application 
in the OS, so what you are requesting makes no sense.

Updates happen to VoiceOver just as they do to the other elements of the OS.



On 31 Oct 2013, at 06:22, mario navarro <mario....@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi friends.
>    I would like to ask a favor to friends group.
> about a feature that is very important for users of voice over and the team 
> Accessibility apple.
> why support accessibility does not add a feature for voice over have 
> automatic updates? ...
> is assumed the commitment to support the accessibility of voice over, also 
> teem take this commitment to upgrade voice over short periods of time, rather 
> than only when updates are available for the system.
> This feature already exists in almost all screen readers, nvda, and jaws, and 
> more.
> why has not been done for voice over? ...
> apple what are you waiting for?
> where is your commitment to accessibility in voice over?
> someone please write a ticket for support of voice over asking for this 
> feature updates automa'ticas for voice over.
> I know this would cause the team to support voice over longer assume this 
> commitment but would be good for everyone.
> I can not make this request because I do not write English perfectly.
> please who does this favor the voice over and all of its users?
> thanks.
> cheers.
> -- 
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