How can you use mouse keys without a numpad? I’ve tried over 15 times to close 
preview pane using track pad! Funny, I did it in Mountainlion the first time I 

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Oct 29, 2013, at 9:13 AM, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:

> I got it turned off permanently, but it takes some intuitive action with 
> whatever mouse manipulation is your preferred one. I use mouse keys, because 
> they’re independent of VO, and I can be assured that I track straight.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Oct 28, 2013, at 9:53 PM, Tim Kilburn <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> No, this is not the case.  The issue is that, at least so far, if Preview 
>> Pane is active, you’ll need to turn it off while in Classic View and it will 
>> be applied to both views.  Some folks here have had problems with it 
>> sticking but I have not.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Oct 28, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Steve Holmes <> wrote:
>>> So, does this mean you cannot turn off preview in standard mode with 
>>> Mavericks Mail now?
>>> If this is the case, then another reason for me to stay back on Mountain 
>>> Lion.
>>> On Oct 27, 2013, at 12:35 PM, Michael Marshall <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> hey,
>>>> i love modern view it stops a lot of the VO chatter so i think i will stay 
>>>> with it myself.
>>>> On 28 Oct 2013, at 2:56 am, Buddy Brannan <> wrote:
>>>>> While you can switch back to modern view, your settings won’t stick. If 
>>>>> you close your message view window after making the change to eliminate 
>>>>> the preview pane, or if you exit mail and go back in, the preview pane is 
>>>>> back. At last, that’s what happened to me after I made the change. Only 
>>>>> way to make the preview pane stay gone is to stay in class view. A shame, 
>>>>> because I’ve kinda gotten to like modern view.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>>>> On Oct 27, 2013, at 11:11 AM, Teresa Cochran <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I find it easiest to do this in full-screen mode, command-control F for 
>>>>>> Mail. Turn mouse keys on. Switch to classic view in Mail preferences. 
>>>>>> You can use vO to place the mouse. Just navigate to the message table, 
>>>>>> but don’t interact with it. VO-right once and you should reach the 
>>>>>> horizontal splitter. Press control-VO-f5 to place the mouse there. Press 
>>>>>> the zero/insert key on the numpad once to lock the mouse down, then 
>>>>>> press and hold the six/right-arrow key on the numpad till you hear VO’s 
>>>>>> focus changing. this can take several seconds. Then press the 
>>>>>> period/delete key on the numpad to release the mouse. Double-check to be 
>>>>>> sure the horizontal splitter and preview pane are gone. At this point, 
>>>>>> you can switch back to modern view in Mail preferences if you wish.
>>>>>> HtH,
>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>>>>>> On Oct 27, 2013, at 4:13 AM, Kliphton ------- <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Looks like I still have a lot to learn.  How do you place the mouse 
>>>>>>> pointer where you want it.  Also,  when you say you push numpad period, 
>>>>>>> what key do you push on the numpad?  Or maybe I am miss understanding?
>>>>>>> Kliphton
>>>>>>> (iMessage&Email)
>>>>>>> (Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype) kliphton72
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:27 PM, "Teresa Cochran" 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I use mouse keys, which is an accessibility feature you can enable in 
>>>>>>> the accessibility dialog, command-option-f5. Once you turn these on, 
>>>>>>> they actually move the real mouse pointer. I put mail in classic view, 
>>>>>>> then move to the right of the messages table, and place my mouse 
>>>>>>> pointer on the horizontal splitter. I press the 0 key on the keypad 
>>>>>>> once, and this locks the mouse down. then I hold down the number 6 key, 
>>>>>>> which moves the mouse to the right. When I hear VO say something 
>>>>>>> different, I release the mouse key with numpad period. I like using 
>>>>>>> this method, because I don’t track straight with a traditional mouse or 
>>>>>>> the trackpad, but this way ensures that I do.
>>>>>>> HtH,
>>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Debbie April Yuille 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Teresa
>>>>>>>> How do you disable the preview pane?
>>>>>>>> Debbie
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From:
>>>>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2013 10:02 AM
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Classic Versus Current view in Mail
>>>>>>>> As an additional note, I notice that with the preview pane disabled 
>>>>>>>> and with
>>>>>>>> five preview lines of message text enabled, VO sure reads a lot more 
>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>> five lines. It's almost like having the preview pane available without
>>>>>>>> having to switch to it. pretty cool. :)
>>>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
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