I'm sure I'd hurry up after a message tone like that. 

When Safari is fixed perhaps google  negotiation skills and effective 
communication skills. 

Good luck. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Oct 2013, at 2:32 pm, eric oyen <eric.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The new Safari 6.1 went on my Lion system today and now some voiceover issues 
> have developed.
> 1. Web Item rotor no longer shows all headers on a google search, or on some 
> other pages.
> 2. on any web page where there is a tweet text field, any attempt to enter 
> text there results in the browser going busy and forcing a force-quit.
> also, when scrolling through google searches, the website info on each search 
> gets repeated at each new element (be it text, links or headers).
> there is also inconsistent behavior when trying to open links using the 
> VO+shift+M context menu. SOme options that should show up (like open link in 
> new tab or page) don't more than half the time.
> Since I am totally blind and have to depend on both voiceover and Safari to 
> work properly, when they don't, I am basically left trying to get both to 
> work again. In one case, installing an add-on to solve captchas resulted in 
> voiceover completely crashing and then refusing to restart on CMD-F5.
> THese issues are entirely unacceptable and are required to be fixed 
> immediately.
> As an aside, similar issues crop up with google-chrome with the same 
> frequency. Don't even ask about FireFox (it works barely some of the time).
> You folks need to repair this. I am also copying this to 2 related mailing 
> lists.
> Please take care of this, POST HASTE!
> -eric
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