Alex, this is great! Where would I obtain the scripts that you so far have done? I'd like a script that would tell me if bluetooth was enabled or disabled, discoverable enabled or not enabled, and what devices if any are currently connected.

The other thing that would be, especially in my professional audio production environment to know is if you could have v o read the percentage value of the input volume slider under system prefs/sound/input tab.

This way, at any time, with one keystroke, I could know exactly what my mike level is set to on my input.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Fischler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system status?

Hey Alex,

Very cool. I would love something if possible to make using the widgets more accessible not sure if that is possible through scripts. Also for us dummies is there anywhere we can read up on starting out with scripts. I have never used any except the time one that you can use through keyboard commanders and would like to become more familiar with them. Thanks,
On May 24, 2013, at 11:03 PM, Alex Hall <> wrote:

Hi all,
Now that I have four of them consistently working, I feel ready to share what I've been working on for the last couple days. I am putting together a series of Apple scripts that will speak information, using VO if it is on or the default system speech if it is not. The ones I have so far are CPU, ram, wifi, and date/time. The really cool bit, though, is that each starts out by setting up a template. You can change this template, using keywords to define what is spoken where.

Let's look at the time script as an example, since everyone likes to have the date and time spoken differently. Right now, I have my template set to:
$24hours:$minutes, $weekday, $month $dayOfMonth, $year
which yields, right now:
22:55, Friday, May 24, 2013
Don't like 24 hour time? All you need to do is change your template:
$12hours:$minutes $ampm, $month $dayOfMonth, $year
and you'd hear something like:
10:56 PM, Friday, May 24, 2013

My other scripts do the same thing - one keystroke, for instance, and I know which wifi network I'm on and at what signal strength. Again, all of these have templates with certain keywords, so you can change how the script's information is spoken to exactly how you want it.

So, my question: what else would you all like to see? I plan one for the space on the startup disk, and probably all other attached volumes, plus one for battery, but what else would be handy? These scripts are really meant to focus on quick bits of information that sighted people can use the status menus or dashboard to quickly look at - they have immediate access, and now we do too, plus we can fully customize the output. I make no promises that all the ideas I receive will make it, but if enough people ask for a certain feature, I'll try to add it in. I've thought about weather, but I really want to just distribute the scripts and not have any additional libraries or anything that you'd have to install. I'll look more into weather at some point. So, any small pieces of information you'd like to have one-key access to, let me know. thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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