Hey, Phil,
Thanks for the podcast recommendations!  I didn't know they existed myself, and 
since I use nvda on the fusion part of my mac, this will be great!
On 2012-12-26, at 1:02 PM, "Phil Halton" <philh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> NVDA is quite good as a free screen reader (although, a donation might be in 
> order if it suits your needs). I have found it to be a combination of the 
> best aspects of both JAWS and VoiceOver. For example, with only a few 
> exceptions, it mimmicks alot of JAWS commands Key for key. And, it uses the 
> concept of "interaction" - a VO construct. The help file is clear and 
> thorough. However, the built-in voice (ESpeak), is a bit harsh on the ears. 
> There are however, very good alternative voices for under $100.
> I know that one of the developers, James teh, uses NVDA exclusively for all 
> his computer activities.
> Check it out, I think you'll like it once you get the hang of it.
> P.S. I just came across an excellent 4-part podcast series on using NVDA. 
> find it here:
> www.vict-consultancy.co.uk
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Fischler" <blindga...@gmail.com>
> To: "MacVisionaries" <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:22 PM
> Subject: Re: Virtual Machine VS Partioning to run Windows
> Thanks for all the advice. I am also curious to find out if certain
> sites and PDFs are accessible while using a virtual machine? I have
> never used a screen reader on the PC side except for the old one in
> Zoomtext which was pretty limited as it was more of a magnifier.  What
> do people suggest using and have they had success with NDVA, samobile,
> narrator, and/or windows eyes? I know Jaws is fantastic, but I also
> know that one is a little out of my price range. I am really only
> looking to use a VM machine for excel, word, pdfs, maybe some games if
> I can find a baseball game that works with a screen reader, and the
> few websites that don't seem to work with Voiceover. Again, thanks for
> all the helpful advice.
> On Dec 25, 3:10 pm, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I finally got around to ordering an external hard drive for my mac. It
>> is the 3 TB from Seagate. I am curious what people think is best, as
>> do I need to partion the drive as I would like to use part of it for
>> Time Machine, and set aside another part to run Windows 7. Do people
>> find it easiest to use VM Fusion, and what would you suggest as a
>> screen reader for the windows side? I have never used a full screen
>> reader in Windows as I was able to still see the last time I used
>> windows. I am thinking about giving Windows Eyes or NDVA a try?
>> Thoughts? One last question, as I plan to do a clean install of
>> Mountain Lion which I am hoping will fix a lot of the busy busy
>> problems I have been having. Any advice for reinstalling Mt. Lion
>> using voiceover? Or is best to get some sighted assistance to set all
>> of this up? Thanks so much.
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