I am glad you already contacted Smile Software, as I wanted to contact them 
myself concerning PDFPen.
The kicker for me is that I did not purchase the software yet, and wanted to 
know if they had VO compatibility on the horizon for future updates. The 
response is not super generic since they did mention some of the specifics they 
would like to make work first. So, being an optimist, I will hope that they 
follow through.
I'll go ahead an pen my own email to them today.


On Aug 30, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emilio.s.hernan...@gmail.com> 

> Hello everyone,
> I hope this message finds all of you doing well.
> I recently contacted Smile Software concerning PDFPen's limited accessibility 
> (their response will follow shortly).
> Questions I have, (1. Not accustomed to contacting developers, is there a 
> particular protocol that should be followed when bringing to light program 
> concerns, and (2. Given the response, is this something that others feel 
> would benefit the blind community (those encountering PDFs on a frequent 
> bases)? I do not mean this to be a forum for venting, but it just seems like 
> the company is not terribly concerned with a small group of possible users. 
> Thanks.
> Smile Software response:
> AUG 30, 2012  |  10:08PM PDT
> Hi Emilio,
> Thanks for your query, and for the great suggestion. As we are continually 
> working to enhance and improve the program, we appreciate any feedback you 
> may have.
> Currently, we've not done anything VoiceOver-specific for PDFpen for iPad, 
> but we've generally followed standard practice in developing our interface. 
> We are aware from the community that fillable forms are not 
> VoiceOver-friendly in any of the PDF apps on Mac or iOS, and this is 
> something we hope to tackle some day. We do provide VoiceOver-specific access 
> to text on PDFpen on the Mac, but presently this extends only to providing 
> access to the complete text of the document. We could stand to do more in 
> terms of exposing selection, line breaking, etc. Nevertheless, we'll be happy 
> to look further into fine tuning PDFpen's compatibility with VoiceOver in our 
> future software updates. In the meantime, VoiceOver currently works with 
> Preview, which lets you read PDFs. I'll include your vote for this on our 
> feature request queue for future releases.
> -- 
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