Teresa, i have made it work with one finger only with trackpad commander off. 
My cursors are set to follow each other, and all I do is route the mouse 
pointer to voiceover cursor. You don't have to interact, just make sure your 
mouse is on the milbox you wish to remove. Double-check with vo+f5 and 
Voiceover should tell you that it is indeed positioned on a give mailbox.

On 19 Aug 2012, at 00:17, Teresa Cochran <vegaspipistre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How odd. I have succeeded in dragging with three fingers with the trackpad 
> commander off, but when I turn it on and try pressing down with one finger, 
> there is no noise, and when I drag, nothing happens. Does VO cursor have to 
> interact with the mouse somehow? I have it set to "ignore" at the moment, and 
> I do route the mouse pointer before trying the drag.
> Teresa
> Teresa
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Ricardo Walker <rwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Do you have trackpad commander turned off?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 4:16 PM, "Bill Holton" <bill32...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am also having trouble getting this done.  When I hold my finger down, I
>>> have the mouse routed to the VO cursor, I get a dull click that repeats
>>> itself every few seconds, but it doesn't seem to do anything when I move my
>>> finger dedown and off the magic trackpad.
>>> Must be doing something wrong.
>>> Email:              b...@bholton.com
>>> Direct:             386-624-6309
>>> Home Office:        1520 Loughton ST
>>>             DeLand, FL  32720
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 12:25 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: Customising favourites bar in Mountain Lion
>>> Hi,
>>> You will hear a click if your using trackpad commander and Voiceover sound
>>> FX is turned on.  That might be what he was referring to.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> www.appletothecore.info
>>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Andrew for your response.  The only thing I'd add is that the
>>> "Click" is not anything you hear out of your speakers, there is just sort of
>>> a click as you press firmly down on the Trackpad so that you know you have
>>> the button pressed.  Sometimes you'll hear a minor click sound but it's more
>>> of a feeling thing.  It's the same on the Magic Trackpad as on a laptop
>>> Trackpad.
>>>> Later...
>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>> On 2012-08-16, at 12:27 AM, Andrew Lamanche <andrew.laman...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Iona,
>>>>> I understand from Tim's post that the click happens only on magic
>>> trackpad. In my case, I have accomplished the task on a macbook air with
>>> touch pad. I had to turn the trackpad commander off with vo+left turn of the
>>> rotor and then I would position the mouse with vo+command+f5 on the box I
>>> want to remove, confirm my mouse position with vo+f5, and then would press
>>> with one finger my trackpad somewhere at the top and while maintaining
>>> pressure would slide my finger down. I then would hear a little puff sound
>>> as if you were blowing a speck of dust away, and that would confirm to me
>>> that the item was removed.
>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>> Andrew
>>>>> On 15 Aug 2012, at 21:39, Ioana Gandrabur <igandra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>> Sorry but I get no click  pressing down on the trackpad with commander
>>> turned on or off. DOes the click always happen or only on certain items?
>>>>>> Do you click anywhere on the trackpad? A  bit stumped.
>>>>>> THanks for all your help!
>>>>>> Ioana
>>>>>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most
>>> online stores.
>>>>>> On Aug 15, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> You shouldn't need to tur the commander off although I usually have it
>>> off as I accidentally make it do things with my wrists.  For the Magic
>>> Trackpad, simply push on the Trackpad itself and you'll notice a click.
>>> Make sure it is pressed down when dragging.
>>>>>>> Later...
>>>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>>> On 2012-08-15, at 10:54 AM, Ioana Gandrabur <igandra...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> HOw do you use the trackpad to do this? 
>>>>>>>> DO you have to turn trackpad commander off? I have tha majic trackpad
>>> no buttons.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Ioana
>>>>>>>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most
>>> online stores.
>>>>>>>> On Aug 15, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Andrew Lamanche
>>> <andrew.laman...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear tim,
>>>>>>>>> It's amazing: it works! Just removed two items.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>>>> On 15 Aug 2012, at 16:37, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> It means that VO's Drag and Drop will not work on that kind of item.
>>> To remove things, I've just routed my mouse to the location by pressing
>>> VO-cmd-f5 then using the Trackpad to press down and drag my finger to the
>>> bottom of the Trackpad then letting go.  This effectively removes the item
>>> from the Favourites bar.
>>>>>>>>>> Later...
>>>>>>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>>>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>>>>>> On 2012-08-15, at 9:18 AM, Andrew Lamanche
>>> <andrew.laman...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I've been trying to customise my favourites bar in ML. I've
>>> succeeded in dragging and dropping one of my mailboxes there but when trying
>>> to remove "send" mailbox and one other mailbox which I had dragged into it
>>> previously under Lion, I've received the following error message: "Mac &
>>> Voiceover  is not draggable.  VoiceOver will not drag item that has press
>>> action.". Does anyone know what it means?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrew
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