If a table is long, to get to the first cell in the first row, press fn+vo+left 
arrow. To get to the last cell of the table in the last row, press fn+vo+right 

Also, if you have a few tables present, to move to a table on a page press 
vo+command+t. You can do it repeatedly to move quickly from table to table. To 
go to a previous table, press shift+vo+command+t.

Hopes this helps.

On 17 Aug 2012, at 06:48, Steve Holmes <steve.holme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see that no-one has so far discussed tables with you.  While interacting 
> within a table in HTML content, use the VO-Arrow keys to move around in the 
> table.  So to move up and down, hold down the VO keys and use up and down 
> arrows.  That should move you down in the same column and not push back to 
> the beginning of the row or any of that.  Keep in mind that as you get to the 
> bottom of a column, pressing VO-down arrow will wrap you back to the top row 
> and I think, advances you to the next column.  To get out of the table, Just 
> get to the upper left or lower right corner of the table and then use normal 
> VO-left or VO-right to move you on outside the table.  For me, tables 
> automatically interact when you land on them.  I can't remember if that is 
> always the case, default or if I set an option; sorry.
> Hope this helps.
> On Aug 9, 2012, at 8:44 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In a web page command option F takes you directly to google search
>> from what I can tell in ML Command L and this previous command serve
>> the same exact function
>> On Aug 8, 12:20 am, Veronica Elsea <veron...@laurelcreekmusic.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Oh how nice. I didn't realize that one could also search with command-L.
>>> So when would one use Command-F? And where would this command look for
>>> things? Thanks so much.
>>> Veronica
>>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier 
>>> athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFoIhWrBHFI
>>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club 
>>> at:http://www.laurelcreekmusic.com
>>>                 Veronica Elsea, Owner
>>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>> On 8/7/2012 9:15 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:
>>>> Hi Veronica,
>>>> For the keystroke to quickly go to the address bar where you can either 
>>>> google search, or type in a URL is command+l.
>>>> I'll wait, (along with you), for someone to explain tables, since i'm 
>>>> still new to this as well.
>>>> Rachel
>>>> On Aug 7, 2012, at 8:40 PM, Veronica Elsea <veron...@laurelcreekmusic.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>>> First, I thought I'd respond to the discussion on tables. The one I 
>>>>> encounter is on my bank's web site. I can find the table and 
>>>>> VO-right-arrow through each item. When I'm on the first column of a row, 
>>>>> the VO-R command also reads the whole row to me. I can't figure out how 
>>>>> to bop straight down a column though. But at least the information is all 
>>>>> there.
>>>>> And I so appreciate those of you who reported the apparent bug here. I 
>>>>> was beginning to think I was losing my mind. I just can't seem to quite 
>>>>> figure out where I land and when I need to interact and when I don't. I 
>>>>> don't remember having this issue in Lion but granted, I only used it a 
>>>>> little bit because I was waiting for Mountain Lion before really getting 
>>>>> going on this Macbook.
>>>>> The other thing I've apparently lost track of is how to quickly do a 
>>>>> google search. I have figured out that if I open Safari and just stay on 
>>>>> the tool bar, I can type a url or a search term. I then VO-right-arrow to 
>>>>> the html content area where I interact. But it sure seemed to me that 
>>>>> there was a keystroke or something that went easily into that google 
>>>>> search. But I just can't find it anywhere.
>>>>> But boy I'd sure love a good tutorial and demo of really using Safari in 
>>>>> ML. I did create an activity which turns on Quick Nav when I go into 
>>>>> Safari, and I was afraid that this was what was messing up my browsing 
>>>>> experience.
>>>>> So I will await further news and see how far I get in the meantime. But 
>>>>> thanks so much to all of you who are so on top of all of this stuff. I 
>>>>> look forward to doing my part to pay forward. In the meantime, I'm open 
>>>>> to all Safari suggestions. Thanks.
>>>>> Veronica
>>>>> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQNLclisGqQ
>>>>> Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at
>>>>> http://www.laurelcreekmusic.com
>>>>> Veronica Elsea, Owner
>>>>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>>>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>>>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>>>> --
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