Dear Listers,

Ultralingua electronic dictionary, whose developers have been committed to its 
accessibility with Voiceover, is preparing for Mountain Lion as I am being 
informed in their newsletter. Below I'm pasting a piece of the newsletter which 
actually mentions Voiceover. I'm so excited that Voiceover actually begins to 
get a mention in a standard product. It's good to see that we are not being 
ignored. I was very much involved with the developers of Ultralingua some years 
ago in order to make them aware of the then incompatibility of this rather 
exciting multilingual dictionary, and I am so glad that they are still 
including us in their thinking. Here comes the quote:
Keeping Up With the Mountain Lions
With Apple's upcoming release of OS X Mountain Lion, we are updating our Mac 
Software to have Mountain Lion compatibility. Version 7.3.2 for the Mac App 
Store will be available soon!

Along with Mountain Lion compatibility, this new version also includes

Minor bug fixes with VoiceOver
Button next to language drop-down menu to make switching search directions 
Ability to immediately search by typing upon launch of the app

You can find this update for the Mac App Store under the updates badge when 
it’s ready.

Best wishes


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