I'm surprised that apple still includes a 64 gb drive with the first model, I 
would think 128 GB should be the minimum, 64 gb is too small to really be 
On Jun 13, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> This has not been answered so I'll give it a bash.
> There is more to consider here than just processor, all the MBA's have an 
> SSD, solid state drive, and as such, notably out perform their native MBP 
> units which are fitted with traditional SATA drives. Of course it is possible 
> to up spec an MBP to include an SSD which removes this advantage, but, still 
> its at an extra cost.
> RAM is the key to multi tasking, and depending on how many Applications, and 
> what they are, 4Gb should be enough for the majority of users. If you are 
> doing more heavy stuff, then you may wish for more, which immediately removes 
> the MBA from the question, as it is limited to 4Gb.
> Quick note, this assumes you're getting not one of the very brand new MBA's 
> which now can be speced up to 8Gb RAM.
> All in all, I don't  consider  the MBP worth going for on the bases of the 
> disk drive, unless you need one of those all the time, if you occasionally 
> might need one, just buy the USB Super Drive, its relatively cheap and keeps 
> the weight of your portable machine down.
> I have an 11in MBA speced to the max, and find it more than aderquitely, in 
> fact, I see no lag whatsoever when its in use. I generally have Mail Safari 
> with 6+ tabs open, numbers, pages and text edit all on the go at the same 
> time, and the MBA doesn't even fire up its fan.
> ask yourself what you're going to be doing with it, and how much work load 
> that genuinely entails…
> now consider that the MBA is a notable amount lighter than the MBP and how 
> much that may or may not bother you.
> cannot really say more than that on the topic.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple 
> iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com
> URL: - www.talknav.com
> e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> On 23 May 2012, at 14:04, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> After been friend with IMac and trial on older generalation of MBP for
>> a while, and the fact that my 5.5 year old Dell laptop is slowly
>> giving up due to overheating, i think i'm quite ready to slowly but
>> surely move in to the Apple Mac family completely.
>> Can i have some general fit back as to the performance for both MBP and MBA?
>> I am thinking of either get the MBA 13 inch with 1.8GHZ or MBP 13inch
>> with 2.8GHZ.
>> I'm a university student and also someone  who's part time employ that
>> do alot of multitasking on my computer. So, features like capability
>> of multitasking, will definitely a must  for me. however, i don't
>> necessary need to access to CD drive although having it could be a
>> bonus.
>> At the moment, i have a 22inch secondhand IMac, and also the
>> possibility of having a 24Inch second hand IMac in the near future.
>> I also have extensive experience with IPhone and IPad2.
>> My question is, what is the different from MBA with 1.8GHZ to MBP with
>> 2.8GHZ in terms of speed, capability, and multitasking ability?
>> Also, if i go down the path of havine an ipad3, will it be sort of
>> wasting the vallue of having MBA, and should go directly for MBP
>> instead?
>> I am well aware, and do realize that the physical size and weight of
>> MBA and MBP are different. But if we put the size and weight aside,
>> what are the plus and miness to having MBA compare to MBP?
>> Your advice and opinion is very much appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Joanne
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