This has not been answered so I'll give it a bash.

There is more to consider here than just processor, all the MBA's have an SSD, 
solid state drive, and as such, notably out perform their native MBP units 
which are fitted with traditional SATA drives. Of course it is possible to up 
spec an MBP to include an SSD which removes this advantage, but, still its at 
an extra cost.

RAM is the key to multi tasking, and depending on how many Applications, and 
what they are, 4Gb should be enough for the majority of users. If you are doing 
more heavy stuff, then you may wish for more, which immediately removes the MBA 
from the question, as it is limited to 4Gb.

Quick note, this assumes you're getting not one of the very brand new MBA's 
which now can be speced up to 8Gb RAM.

All in all, I don't  consider  the MBP worth going for on the bases of the disk 
drive, unless you need one of those all the time, if you occasionally might 
need one, just buy the USB Super Drive, its relatively cheap and keeps the 
weight of your portable machine down.

I have an 11in MBA speced to the max, and find it more than aderquitely, in 
fact, I see no lag whatsoever when its in use. I generally have Mail Safari 
with 6+ tabs open, numbers, pages and text edit all on the go at the same time, 
and the MBA doesn't even fire up its fan.

ask yourself what you're going to be doing with it, and how much work load that 
genuinely entails…

now consider that the MBA is a notable amount lighter than the MBP and how much 
that may or may not bother you.

cannot really say more than that on the topic.


Neil Barnfather

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Twitter @neilbarnfather

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On 23 May 2012, at 14:04, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi there,
> After been friend with IMac and trial on older generalation of MBP for
> a while, and the fact that my 5.5 year old Dell laptop is slowly
> giving up due to overheating, i think i'm quite ready to slowly but
> surely move in to the Apple Mac family completely.
> Can i have some general fit back as to the performance for both MBP and MBA?
> I am thinking of either get the MBA 13 inch with 1.8GHZ or MBP 13inch
> with 2.8GHZ.
> I'm a university student and also someone  who's part time employ that
> do alot of multitasking on my computer. So, features like capability
> of multitasking, will definitely a must  for me. however, i don't
> necessary need to access to CD drive although having it could be a
> bonus.
> At the moment, i have a 22inch secondhand IMac, and also the
> possibility of having a 24Inch second hand IMac in the near future.
> I also have extensive experience with IPhone and IPad2.
> My question is, what is the different from MBA with 1.8GHZ to MBP with
> 2.8GHZ in terms of speed, capability, and multitasking ability?
> Also, if i go down the path of havine an ipad3, will it be sort of
> wasting the vallue of having MBA, and should go directly for MBP
> instead?
> I am well aware, and do realize that the physical size and weight of
> MBA and MBP are different. But if we put the size and weight aside,
> what are the plus and miness to having MBA compare to MBP?
> Your advice and opinion is very much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Joanne
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