Hi all,
I'm not seeing the family and friends stuff that she's seeing. I wonder if this 
is a new feature in Lion.  I do have delegates on the left hand side, as well 
as work or home calendars.  I don't have any family or friend options.  I'm 
guessing this is a new feature of iCal in 10.7.  I'm still running 10.6.8 here. 
 It could explain why more people aren't seeing this, and thus, don't know the 

On May 5, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I do believe that this is getting a little bit out of hand here.  Jenny, My 
> best advice to you is this.  The best way to learn to use any app is to just 
> jump in and make use of it and be willing to make a mistake a time or two.  
> How else you gonna learn anything about it?  My best advice for seaking help 
> is that you consult the built in help for the apps you want help with when 
> mere use and exploration seem not to get it done for you.  Honestly, it's not 
> that we mind helping you, but, to be spoon fed the information all the time 
> is, quite frankly, not the best way to learn; indeed, it is most likely the 
> worst.  I would suggest that you take a step back from this and keep in mind 
> the points that Scot raises here.  He does have some good points to make, 
> and, I think that if you just step back from the emotion of the moment and 
> give things a try, you will shock yourself at what you will learn and how 
> quickly.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> On May 5, 2012, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> If I knew where to look for that information I wouldn't inconvenience anyone 
>> with my question.
>> As far as wanting to be spoon fed, I can't help if I've tried to learn 
>> things by pod casts and it completely overwhelms me and I end up more 
>> frustrated and confused than I started out.
>> If that's the way people feel on this list, then tell me then, what is this 
>> list for then if we can't ask simple questions and get simple answers.
>> If I'm going to be treated in this manner, I'll just not ask anything and 
>> consider unsubscribing to this list altogether if it is too inconvenient for 
>> me to ask questions without just being handed a pod cast.  
>> That, in my opinion, is taking the lazy way out anyway, cause it prevents 
>> you from having to lower yourself to answer such a simple and insignificant 
>> question.
>> Again, what is this list for if you can't get simple and understandable 
>> answers to simple questions.
>> If I wanted a pod cast, I would've looked one up.
>> Excuse me for bothering those of you that are just too good to answer my 
>> simple question.
>> Again, I'll just not say anything and again, if I can't get answers to 
>> simple questions, but others do't get treated that way, then this list will 
>> certainly leave my inbox.
>> Jenny
>> On May 5, 2012, at 12:19 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Have you tried reading the help files? THey contain a lot of information 
>>> and there is also Google. You really expect someone to produce a 
>>> step-by-step tutorial on iCal just for you? No offense, but it seems to me 
>>> that you have not researched the questions very thoroughly  on your own and 
>>> just want to be spoon-fed the information. Asking for help is fine and 
>>> encouraged, but it seems that you would ask only when you have already 
>>> tried finding the answers elsewhere. There are plenty of resources and the 
>>> podcast someone suggested is a great way to learn how to use an app.
>>> Of course then you seem to get cross with folks because they won't just 
>>> give you what you want when you want it and I hope you understand you are 
>>> being unfair to those who are providing you the resources.
>>> On May 5, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>>> I need to know what those lists like friends and family, and stuff are 
>>>> for.  
>>>> I don't understand all that stuff, though I did learn how to delete a 
>>>> reminder.  
>>>> I have a list of reminders and all of them are coming up though I thought 
>>>> I had other reminders.  I don't see any old ones though.
>>>> Anyway, Pod Casts give me too much information at one time and a lot of it 
>>>> I already know, or don't understand in the first place cause it's too 
>>>> advanced for me, or doesn't tell me what I need till my mind is so 
>>>> overloaded that I can't absorb any more information.
>>>> Anyway, could someone just tell me in baby steps what all that is for and 
>>>> if you have my number, just call if you want to.
>>>> Jenny
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

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