Hi Steve,

The link to Tim's VoiceOver downloads page is still active.  I tried it before 
I made the last post and I tried it just now:
I also went to the post you mentioned in the secondary Mail Archive site for 
this list:
• Re: sharing tip for rewinding music in iTunes with keyboard
The link in that post also works.  I think you truncated the address to get to 
what you thought was Tim's top level web page.  I suspect that Tim did not make 
that page publicly available, and that some of the subdirectories are being 
privately used by his family.  However, if you try the link I gave in the post 
and repeated above, you'll be able to download the RestartAt AppleScript.  In 
addition, if you navigate to the link for "Home" in the sidebar of that web 
page, you'll be able to navigate to the top level of Tim's VoiceOver pages, 
which point to:

Again, those are public pages which should stay around until Tim migrates from 
MobileMe to iCloud, as he'll have to do by June 30th.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 23, 2012, at 2:14 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> I just tried Tim's link that was given in the message below and I get an 
> empty HTML in Safari. I guess he has pulled the page already? I would have 
> really loved to try out the mentioned script.
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Esther wrote:
>> http://web.me.com/kilburns/

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