They probably haven't; if they'd at least get rid of the jibberish in the
background, those things might be a little easier to understand. I've never
understood why that was there in the first place, sense it's nothing but
pretty much someone talking backwards, if even that.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adie" <>
To: "MacVisionaries" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Captcha Solving on the Mac
Hi all
It's not just people with hearing impairments who have trouble with
these audio captchas. They are, generally speaking, of appalling
quality. The ones which contain a sentence, as opposed to unrelated
words and numbers, are a little easier, but really, how can any site
think they are fit for purpose?
I usually try to record what the thing says, but it often is
completely indecipherable. Sometimes I swear I have it right and it
still rejects it.
The site which most annoys me is the UK govt e-petitions site, which
has these for all signatories. My MP even complained to the Cabinet
Office and we just got the brush off. Have any of these people ever
tried one of these themselves? I think not.
It is particularly offensive when they then tell you it's to test if
you are human. Presumably they thk we are not.
Anyway, even I sometimes get fed up of complaining about them to site
owners, but I suppose we just have to keep doing it until they stop
using them. There are other more accessible solutions to the humanity
On Feb 14, 8:28 pm, Mark BurningHawk Baxter <>
Google, FB, Twitter, all have audio captchas. for people with hearing
loss, these prove abysmally challenging, but even I have managed to solve
them. They're not at all easy, and I dread the thought of trying to
re-sign-up for Craigslist because of this.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:
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