Hi guys.

this has just come to light that the following fix only works with OS 10.4 
through 10.6. As OS X 10.7 has a flaw where the prefs files for itunes are no 
longer visible to the OS, this particular file set cannot be wiped or changed. 
I am investigating this issue through our iMac 2011 build to test for a 


On 5 Feb 2012, at 15:26, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Hey, no prob at all Lue.  In fact, I was able to solve an issue with my Skype 
> voice mail by deleting:
> ~/Library/Applications Support/Skype/Shared.xml.
> Skype has issues on their end they need to work out but thought you might 
> like the added info.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> On Feb 5, 2012, at 9:08 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> You're very welcome.
>> this advice also applies to other applications which can either crash due to 
>> a settings change or behave erratically. just ensure you know your 
>> application and the prefs file associated with it. you can delete the file 
>> and the app on restart will build a new one ready for you to make the 
>> recommended or desired settings for your needs.
>> you've just given me an amazing idea and I'm glad this came up.
>> wait and see. check my new website in the near future. it's 
>> http://freemacsfortheblind.wordpress.com
>> lew
>> On 5 Feb 2012, at 14:53, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Yaye!  That fix did the trick.  thanks ever so much dude!  
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
>>> On Feb 5, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>>> try the following plan of attack.
>>>> first... quit iTunes.
>>>> go to the following location:
>>>> /users/"USER"/library/preferences.
>>>> now select com.apple.itunes.plist and com.apple.itunesHelper.plist
>>>> delete these two files. close the window. launch itunes and this should 
>>>> resolve the error. if not, please let us know so it can be further 
>>>> investigated.
>>>> lew
>>>> next... restart iTunes. this will rebuild itunes.
>>>> On 5 Feb 2012, at 14:15, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>>>> Subject line says it just about all.  did a wireless synch and think I 
>>>>> changed a ssetting or two using ITunes but cannot remember what I did.  I 
>>>>> now find that, no matter whether I plug my Iphone in to my Mac via the 
>>>>> USB cable or not, even if I restart ITunes or my Iphone, I cannot see my 
>>>>> Iphone at all.  It just won't show up in the play lists table area.  What 
>>>>> ever to do?
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>>>> Skype name:
>>>>> barefootedray
>>>>> Facebook:
>>>>> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
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Founder: Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
E-Mail: freemacsforthebl...@mac-access.net
Direct Contact: 07936 877500.
WEBSITE: http://freemacsfortheblind.wordpress.com.
Twitter: @macsfortheblind.
Skype: freemacsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
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