Hi Anne and others who might need this.

I just whipped up an automation script that basically converts an opened pdf or 
image or whatever into the same file name and as a text. This will probably be 
usefull for anyone who doesn't want to bother with the entire process each time.

Here is the script that you can open in applescript editor, then export as an 
application or script or anything if you like, and you can also tweak a few 
things such as what it will conver it to, such as pdf instead of rtf. Place the 
exported file into your services folder or add a shortcut, anything taht makes 
it easier for you

tell application "ABBYY FineReader Express"
end tell
delay 2
tell application "System Events"
        tell process "ABBYY FineReader Express"
                click button "Convert to Text Document" of window "Quick Tasks"
                set windex to count every window
                repeat until windex = 2
                        set windex to count every window
                        say "scanning"
                        delay 3
                end repeat
                delay 2
                say "completed"
                click button "Save" of front window
        end tell
end tell

I would script the image scanner part of it to make it even easier, especially 
if you have a document feeder type scanner but will only work on that if 
requested to.

Also, you can get rid of the say "scanning" part if it annoys you, i was just 
using it to make sure that the repeat was proicessing correctly.

Hope this somehow helps

Best regards,

On 26/01/2012, at 1:41 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Ray,
> On 25 Jan 2012, at 09:45, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Thing is, when I scan a file now,  Fine reader will not open by itself.  
>> And, even when I do open a file using command+o and it opens in Abby Fine 
>> Reader, I still have to go in to Aby Fine Reader and press the convert to 
>> text button.  Do you have to do this?
> Yes. I don't know how to automate ABBYY FineReader so I have to do it by hand.
> As for it not opening automatically, have you repaired permissions lately? 
> You seem to have configured everything correctly.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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