Hello Ray,

Here are the set up instructions for using VueScan with ABBYY FineReader.



Configuring VueScan

1) Open VueScan and read carefully the initial message which informs you as to 
whether your scanner has been recognised. If it has, carry on, otherwise follow 
VueScan's instructions.

2) Click on "Close" in the bottom right-hand corner, to get away from the 
Startup tips.

3) Using the Item Chooser menu (VO-I), press L. If you find Less, press 
VO-space bar twice. This minimises the options visible. Otherwise, press Esc to 
close the Item Chooser again. 

4) Beginning at the top left, select "Input" and keep navigating to the right.
4.1) Navigate to Task and select "Scan to file" in the popup menu.
4.2) Source = your scanner.
4.3) Media = "Text".
4.4) Multi page should normally be checked.
4.5) Preview resolution = 300 dpi.
4.6) Scan resolution = 300 dpi.

Leave other options at their default values.

5) Return to the top left and select tab 5, Output.
5.1) Continue navigating right to "Default folder": enter the name of the 
folder where you want the TIFF file to be saved. For example: 
"/Users/fred/Documents/Scans". (Don't forget to create this folder before doing 
any scanning!)
The @ button opens a File Browser if you want to navigate rather than type in 
the folder name.
5.2) Navigate right as far as TIFF file, and check it.
5.3) TIFF file name: enter the name of the file that will receive the TIFF 
image. For example: "Letter Image+" (the + tells VueScan to replace the + with 
a number and increment it for each new scan).
5.4) TIFF multipage: check if you wish to scan more than one page into a 
5.5) Navigate right as far as JPG file, and uncheck it.
Leave other options at their default values.

6) Return to the top left and select tab 6, Preferences.
6.1) Language = "Default". (N.B. This sets the interface language.)
6.2) Navigate right as far as Viewer, and use the popup menu to choose "ABBYY 
FineReader" (if it isn't available, leave this set to Default).
6.3) Move on to External editor and uncheck it.

Congratulations! You have now configured VueScan. Quit VueScan so that your 
changes are saved.

Scan one page to create a TIFF file then use Command-i on that file to set it 
to always open with ABBYY FineReader.

Once VueScan has been configured, the only changes you are likely to want to 
make are between single- and multi-page scanning, and the filename to which the 
scans are sent.

Abbyy FineREader will open automatically and there is no configuring to be done 
with that.

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