
I thought many of our Spanish speaking list members might find this news useful.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Daniela Rubio <mabuha...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [macvoiceover] Mac OS X and IOS with Voice Over for spanish speaking 
> people
> Date: November 28, 2011 3:24:37 AM EST
> To: macvoiceo...@freelists.org
> Reply-To: macvoiceo...@freelists.org
> Hi all:
> I wright this e-mail because I want to share with you a new project that has 
> being growing since some time ago, regarding help and services for spanish 
> speaking people interested on Mac OS X and IOS in accessibility terms.
> in August of this year, My husband and I started a blog
> www.macneticus.blogspot.com
> in order to share our ideas on the topics mentioned a bob, because we found 
> out that a lot of spanish speaking people, mostly in Spain and Latin America, 
> did not have all the information they wanted on Apple products and software. 
> Our blog doesn't have manuals or guides, but has opinion articles related to 
> our main topic.
> 2 months ago, we were contacted by Mariano Salas, an Apple authorized Apple 
> dealer, and Apple Accessibility solution expert for Spain, because he read 
> our articles and he thought that we could collaborate together. He introduced 
> us  with Pablo Bardon, the Apple Education division Manager for Spain and 
> they proposed that we started to offer our services to help disabled people 
> in Spain and Latin America who were interested on Apple in terms  of 
> accessibility.
> We have being invited to several events, and on december, we will participate 
> in a round table and give a workshop in an International seminary on 
> universal accessibility in Granada.
> http://www.sitau2011.com/SITAU/SITAU2011.html
> This is the beginning of a new and exciting  project. We love Apple products 
> and we are committed to work to help people from many countries to discover 
> them and find out how they can enhance their lives with them.
> Rossellimac, 
> www.rossellimac.es
> the dealer who contacted us, is involved in interesting education projects, 
> in order to develop  applications, specially for IOS which could help to 
> narrow the barriers that a lot of disabled children have in their education 
> in developing countries.
> With the University of Granada, they developed Pica,
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/picaa/id373334470?mt=8
> a special platform used for autistic children learning, which is being used 
> in many schools in Spain and Latin America, and they intend, with our 
> collaboration, to develop  platforms for showing educational content to blind 
> kids as well, taking advantage of the accessibility tools that IOS and Mac OS 
> developers have available.
> I know, that within this list, we have friends who know a lot on Apple 
> related issues, and we also know that the best way of advancing is to unite 
> strength and knowledge,so we would like to extend an invitation to all who 
> would like to form part of this nice project, regardless of their native 
> speaking language. Also, if you know spanish speaking people who could be 
> benefit from our help on understanding Voice Over, Mac OS X and IOS   
> , please spread the word.
> We have a blog, a podcast, and Our Web page is under construction, but we 
> already have our mailbox available:
> macneti...@macneticos.com
> Thank you for reading us  and we keep in touch.
>  EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> www.macneticus.blogspot.com
> http://macneticos.libsyn.com

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