
you know, interacting with the sources table isn't even necessary unless you 
want or need to bring up the context menu for a playlist.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 11, 2011, at 12:54 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Oops, thanks, guys. I had forgotten about that step: stopping interaction 
> with the sources table.
> Teresa
> On Oct 11, 2011, at 6:11 AM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> Hi Martin 
>> Like Ricardo, I actually like using iTunes. When you get the hang of it you 
>> will find it is very useful and gives you a combination of flexibility and 
>> convenience. 
>> I will assume at this point that you have been able to add all the music you 
>> wish into your iTunes library.
>> Ass stated by Ricardo, you need to stop interacting with the sources list 
>> before VOing ac
>> ross to your actual device settings. You can also simply press the tab key 
>> to do this. You will hear a series of radio buttons like summary, info, 
>> music, podcasts etc. Exactly which options you have will depend on which 
>> device you have.  You need to select the music tab. Now continue to VO right 
>> arrow and you will come to a check box asking if you want to sync music. 
>> This needs to be checked.  You can then choose to either sync your entire 
>> music collection or just selected items. Lets say you choose to just sync 
>> selected items, so VO spacebar on this option and you will then find a 
>> series of tables. One will contain all the playlist you have, one has all 
>> the different artists and the other has all the albums you have. You can 
>> interact on any of these and check or uncheck any thing you like. So for 
>> example I might choose to sync two of my playlist that have faster songs by 
>> interacting on the playlist table  plus all songs by the killers by going 
>> into the artist table and checking the killers in there and then interacting 
>> with albums table to select a couple of U2 albums. All of these will then be 
>> synced to the device.   You can tell iTunes to perform the sync by going to 
>> the file menu.
>> One feature of iTunes that i love is the smart playlists. I won't go through 
>> complete instructions at this point but you can achieve a lot with these. 
>> The default recently added is one of these. You can get an idea of how they 
>> work by bringing up the context menu VO Shift M on it in the sources list 
>> and choosing to edit it. You will find yourself in a dialog. VO around in 
>> this and explore. I have changed mine a bit so current remember the defaults 
>> settings but I think it is set to include items added within 2 weeks where 
>> they media type is not a podcast. A smart playlist lets you choose songs or 
>> books or any iTunes media via a series of logical arguments. For example I 
>> set one to include all songs where the play count equal to 0 so that I could 
>> listen to all those songs that I have in my library that I had never got 
>> around to listening. to.  The options available in smart playlists to create 
>> the set of rules are extensive. The playlists can also be set to 
>> automatically update themselves. So with the above example, whenever I 
>> synced my iPhone it removed all the songs that I had listened to in that 
>> particular playlist.
>> Hope this helps a bit and please give iTunes long enough to grow on you a 
>> bit. As I said earlier I think it is flexible and convenient as once you set 
>> up a few things, everything just takes care of itself.
>> Garth          ..
>> On 11/10/2011, at 9:54 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is because you are interacting with the sources table.  Stop 
>>> interacting and you will be able to VO right arrow over to the options for 
>>> your iPod.  The first button you should encounter should be Summary.  Its 
>>> really not that hard once you get the hang of it.  I actually like iTunes.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> www.mobileaccess.org
>>> On Oct 11, 2011, at 7:43 AM, Martin Brown wrote:
>>>> Thanks very much for that Teresa. 
>>>> Perhaps you could help me a little more. In your response you said to find
>>>> my iPod in the sources table and then vo right arrow once and I should be 
>>>> in
>>>> a table. When I do that, I simply move down one row to the next item in the
>>>> sources table.
>>>> I have noted that when focused on my iPod in the sources table, voiceover
>>>> informs me that the device is charging and the state of charge. Voiceover
>>>> also informs me that the device is collapsed. Am I to assume that this 
>>>> means
>>>> that I have no direct access to the device. If so, how do I change this.
>>>> Many thanks to all those who have responded to my request for help.
>>>> May I just add that ITunes has to be one of the most unintuitive programmes
>>>> that I have ever had the misfortune to come across. Why Apple do not allow
>>>> users to simply use their devices as external drives remains a mystery to
>>>> me.
>>>> Martin  
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
>>>> Sent: 07 October 2011 16:45
>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: Re: An Idiot's guide to creating playlists in iTunes
>>>> Hello, Martin,
>>>> First of all, once you connect your drive, go to Itunes and press command-o
>>>> to add items to your library. You can browse in that dialog for your drive.
>>>> Import your files. Then, in the sources list, go to "recently added". Your
>>>> files should be there. Turn cursor tracking off with VO-shift-f3. This will
>>>> allow you to move the VO cursor around without moving the system cursor, so
>>>> you can select the files you want. Go to a file and press
>>>> command-option-control space to tell VO to select it. Keep doing this for
>>>> each file you want to copy. Hit command-c to copy, then turn cursor 
>>>> tracking
>>>> back on with VO-shift-f3. Once you have your IPod connected, find it in 
>>>> your
>>>> sources area. Once you have it, VO right once and there you should find a
>>>> table. Press command-v to paste the files you have copied there.
>>>> You might have noticed that your Ipod area has some settings available. The
>>>> setings here will depend on your Ipod model. These will allow you to sync
>>>> your music in various ways. Once you have done the manual method I've
>>>> outlined, you might want to try setting these up, so that your Ipod will
>>>> sync your music for you. Personally, I do everything manually, but that is
>>>> just my own preference.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Teresa
>>>> On Oct 6, 2011, at 5:22 AM, Martin Brown wrote:
>>>>> Everyone,
>>>>> I would like to create playlists so that I might put specific music into
>>>> them in order to use my iPod Touch.  I have a Mac, but I just cannot get to
>>>> grips with how to use iTunes and copy music into it from an external drive
>>>> in order to make playlists.
>>>>> Please, please, please, could someone give me an idiot's step-by-step
>>>> guide on how to do this?
>>>>> Many thanks.
>>>>> Martin
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