Yup, the only tricky bit was my buttons were labeled backwards. Adding
sharepoint was actually add user and vice versa. You might have guessed
that when actioning the "add user" button brought up a file dialog.
Anyway, do the "add user" to add your Documents folder to the list of
shared Folders. By default your username should get full rights to this
new addition. If you have already enabled SMB access for that user you
are done. From Windows XP at least I connect
to\\ip_address_of_mac\Documents and then choose connect using a
different user name to put in my mac login credentials. That should make
your documents folder show up on your PC.
On 9/22/11 8:31 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
Hi Chris Blouche,
Took a day before I get back, but how can you share another folder
than the default public one? There is a button called add share point,
but this seems to add a new user and not another folder to share. How
can I share, say, my mac documents folder to windows over smb?
On Sep 20, 2011, at 9:33 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
Likewise you can turn on SMB sharing on your Mac and then mount your
mac hard drive on your PC. Just depends on which way you want to go.
For me I use a Mac as a 'server' and mount it's drives on my PC. My
PC, currently XP, isn't backed up or anything since I just use it to
test stuff but the Mac is on Time Machine so anything I store there
is relatively safe.
On 9/19/11 4:54 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
Hi Allison,
One way to share files between windows 7, is what I think you have,
and a mac, can be done, but it is a 2-way configuration. I haven't
played much with accessing mac files from a windows computer,
because I always work on my mac since I have it. Because once you go
mac, you'll never go back. But the other way around is simple, as
long as you have some information collected beforehand. So I will
describe how to connect to a windows machine from one of your macs.
The other way back, how to connect from windows to a mac share, I
don't have enough experience with.
Before I tell you how you do it, here's what you are striving for to
begin with. On your windows pc, you have a share. This is something
like the my documents folder, an entire drive, or anything present
for that matter. On the mac side, you have your finder. Where you
would go into my network places on windows to find other computers,
the mac does it differently. On the desktop, and in some other
places, once you get file sharing working, you will have a new icon.
If you open it, you will be accessing your windows files. It is that
simple, but if you've never done it before, a little more to know
before you have it working.
To access your windows machine from a mac:
1. You need to know the network name of your windows pc that you
want to access. If you already have a network set up, this will be
familiar. If you don't know the windows computer network name of the
pc you want to get into from your mac, you will need is ip address.
If you don't know how to do one of these and you need it, let me know.
2. You need to have an account on the windows computer to log in to.
Because windows 7 is already set up on your side, you will indeed
have a user account, possibly with a password. When you work in
windows 7, you are logged in under your own account, that is usually
created when windows was set up.
You use the same name and password to log in to windows if you do it
over a network This is the name and password you will have to have
ready. If not, then you wil need to set up a password associated
with your user account on the windows pc, because without a
password, sharing will not work this way.
3. Now that you know the network name of the windows pc, and you
have a username and password, it is time to Connect. To do this,
from your mac, in the finder, hit command k. This is a keystroke
belonging to the go menu. It lets you connect to a server. From a
mac perspective, a file hoster like your windows pc is a file
server. A dialog comes up.
4. In the text field that you land in, fill in the protocol and the
address of the windows pc and hit connect. The protocol that you
always want to use is smb, as in server message block. Don't worry
about what it is. The first five characters of the text to type in
here, is always: smb://. That is s, m, b, colon, slash, slash.
5. Now say, that the pc you want to log in to is called Allison.
Then the full line you type in is:
That is all without spaces. So first s m b colon slash slash, those
5 characters, and then the pc name, Allison for this example.
6. You can now select, which shares from windows you want to see on
your mac. In this dialog on your mac, you may see somelike my
documents, drive d, etc.
Just select one or more from the list and confirm. I think there's
just a normal ok button.
7. Your windows share will now be mounted in finder. You can find it
on your desktop and you can open it with command down arrow, and
close it with command w.
Note: in windows 7, you may have to do a little bit more to set up
file sharing to be allowed than you would on an xp machine. From
what I understand, you have multiple windows machines. If one of
them is windows 7 and another is xp, and you can perfectly see your
windows 7 files from an xp machine, then you can be sure that file
sharing for this win7 pc will also work from a mac.
On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:18 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
Hi Scott.
Thanks so much for your response. All of the pc's and both macs are
successfully connected to the network, either via WIFI or Ethernet.
However, I want to be able to share files between all of the
machines. On the pc's, I'm able to go into the network and sharing
center, see all of the computers in the home group, and copy files
and folders between them. Can this be done on the mac? Thanks again.
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]*On Behalf Of*Scott Howell
*Sent:*Saturday, September 17, 2011 5:49 PM
*Subject:*Re: Question regarding home networking.
Adding the MInis would be no different than adding the PCs. In fact
once you turn on wireless networking or connect them via ethernet,
assuming your network is configured using dhcp, the Minis will pull
IP addresses from the router.
On Sep 17, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
Hi everyone.
My boyfriend and I currently have all of the PC's in our house
networked via a home group. We recently purchased Mac minis, and we
would like to add them to the network as well. How exactly is this
accomplished? Is the fact that the network was originally created
on a PC going to cause issues? Any assistance would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks so much.
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