That would be a good idea. I've only been on this list since april, it started 
out very great, and now it seems like some foks are just getting angry at one 
thing after another.
sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-07-28, at 12:16 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hello list members:
> I'm writing in response to some of the latest goings on here.  I'm Carolyn, a 
> former moderator of the group.
> When I was asked to back off, and then told summarily that hundred of people 
> had complained about my mod style, I decided perhaps my expectations were 
> just too stringent, and pushing people away.
> I can not continue to be on this list as it currently is.  I'm considering 
> starting a resource list for semi-professional interchange , and would like 
> to know if there's any others interested in such.
> If I'm alone in this endeavor, at least I'll know for sure that I tried.
> My email is  Please only interested people respond, as 
> I've had enough hate mail for one lifetime.:)
> Take care, and thank you for reading.
> Carolyn
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